Economic and Financial Indicators Database
Country: | Fiji Islands | Fiji Islands |
Sector: | Real Sector and Prices | Real Sector and Prices |
Indicator: | GDP Growth (y-o-y, %) | Headline Inflation Rate (y-o-y, %) |
Source: | CEIC database | CEIC database |
Unit: | Percent | Percent |
Currency: | none | none |
Note: | ||
2023-01 | 7.777 | |
2022-01 | 20.015 | 4.520 |
2021-01 | -4.879 | 0.156 |
2020-01 | -17.041 | -2.595 |
2019-01 | -0.583 | 1.773 |
2018-01 | 3.813 | 4.081 |
2017-01 | 5.353 | 3.348 |
2016-01 | 0.657 | 3.863 |
2015-01 | 3.844 | 1.375 |
2014-01 | 5.604 | 0.519 |
2013-01 | 4.734 | 2.914 |
2012-01 | 1.411 | 3.423 |
2011-01 | 2.700 | 7.278 |
2010-01 | 3.000 | 3.689 |
2009-01 | -1.400 | 3.131 |
2008-01 | 1.000 | 7.732 |
2007-01 | -0.900 | 4.804 |
2006-01 | 1.900 | 2.491 |
2005-01 | -1.300 | 2.366 |
2004-01 | 5.400 | 2.827 |
2003-01 | 0.800 | 4.173 |
2002-01 | 3.200 | 0.762 |
2001-01 | 1.900 | 4.273 |
2000-01 | -1.700 | 1.092 |
1999-01 | 8.700 | 1.969 |
1998-01 | 1.300 | 5.712 |
1997-01 | -2.400 | 3.368 |
1996-01 | 3.050 | |
1995-01 | 2.166 | |
1994-01 | 0.615 | |
1993-01 | 5.417 | |
1992-01 | 4.883 | |
1991-01 | 6.497 | |
1990-01 | 8.191 | |
1989-01 | 6.189 | |
1988-01 | 11.758 | |
1987-01 | 5.664 | |
1986-01 | 1.799 | |
1985-01 | 4.421 | |
1984-01 | 5.291 | |
1983-01 | 6.704 | |
1982-01 | 7.032 | |
1981-01 | 11.181 |