Pacific Islands Forum


Date Range

22 records    ( 11  to  20 )      1   2   3 
  • Roundtable Meeting on Regional Support for NSA
    Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
    26 Feb 2008
  • Sustainable Development Working Group Meeting
    Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
    6 Feb 2008
  • 38th Pacific Islands Forum Meeting
    Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
    16 Oct 2007
  • Forum Trade Ministerial Meeting
    Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
    2 Aug 2007
  • Forum Economic Ministerial Meeting (FEMM)
    Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
    10 Jul 2007
  • 37th Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting
    Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Australia
    24 Oct 2006
  • 10th Forum Economic Ministers' Meeting 2006
    Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
    3 Jul 2006
  • 36th Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting
    Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
    25 Oct 2005
  • Smaller Island States (SIS) Leaders` Summit
    Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
    25 Oct 2005
  • 9th Meeting of the Forum Economic Ministers
    Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
    8 Jun 2005
22 records    ( 11  to  20 )      1   2   3