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Macroeconomic Indicators
Regional Cooperation and Integration database:

AEIR Data Catalogue

A compilation of all figures and tables from the Asian Economic Integration Reports. Download data in CSV or follow links to view specific figure or table from the report.

  • By chapter:
    The Crucial Role of Regional Cooperation
    Trade and Global Value Chains
    Cross-Border Investment
    Financial Integration
    Movement of People
    THEME CHAPTER: Decarbonizing Global Value Chains
    Statistical Appendix
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Number of Nontariff Measures—Asia and the Pacific (’000)
Services Trade Restrictiveness Index—World and Asia and the Pacific (average)
Services Trade Restrictiveness Index by Sector—World Average, 2022
Restrictive Export Measures by Selected Asian Economies, January 2022-November 2023
Overall Intraregional Integration, by Region
Intraregional Integration by Dimension, 2021
Intraregional Integration in Asia and the Pacific, by Dimension
Subregional Integration Estimates—Asia and the Pacific
Subregional Integration Estimates by Dimension—Asia and the Pacific, 2021
Subregional Integration Estimates—The Pacific
Subregional Initiatives—Southeast Asia, 2006-2021
Subregional Initiatives—South Asia, 2006-2021
Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program Integration, 2006-2021
Selected Projects in Greater Mekong Subregion, Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle, and Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area
Selected Projects in the Pacific, 2020-2023
ADB Regional Investment in the Pacific: Loans and Grants, 2010-2023
Selected Projects in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multisectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation, and South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation, 2020-2023
South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Investments (cumulative, $ million)
Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Investment Projects by Sector ($ million)
Selected Projects and Initiatives in Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation, 2020-2023
Merchandise and Services Trade Volume and Real Output Growth—Asia and the Pacific, and the World
Monthly Trade by Value and Volume—Asia and Pacific
Merchandise and Services Trade of Asia and the Pacific, by Partner (%)
Overall, Backward, and Forward Global Value Chain Participation Rates
Global Value Chain Position Index
Global Value Chain of Asia and the Pacific, by Selected Sectors
Global Value Chain of Asia and the Pacific, by Partner
Diversification Index by Region and Asian Subregions—Backward Global Value Chain Linkages
Diversification Index, by Region and Asian Subregions—Forward Global Value Chain Linkages
Reshoring Indexes by Region and Asian Subregion
Newly Effective Free Trade Agreements—Asia and the Pacific
New Regional Trade Agreements in Asia and the Pacific, January 2023-December 2023
Recently Upgraded/Expanded Trade Agreements—Asia and the Pacific, January-December 2023
Newer Forms of Cooperation and Partnerships—Asia and the Pacific, January-December 2023
Share of World Food Products Exports and Imports, by Asian Subregion
Trade Balance of Food Products (Exports/Imports)
List of Top 20 Consumed HS4 Food Commodities in Asia and the Pacific, by Quantity, 2021 (Arranged by HS Code)
Shares of Domestic Food Production to Domestic Food Consumption—Asia and the Pacific, 2010-2022 Average
Share of Domestic Production to Consumption and the Diversification Index, by Asian Economy
Import Shares (% > Regional Average) of Highly Consumed HS4 Commodities in Selected Asian Economies, 2021
List of Alternative Regional Suppliers for Selected Products, 2021
Trade Partnerships and Trade Policy Restrictions between Top Importers and Top Regional Exporters of Selected Food Products in 2021
Shares of Food Trade Affected by Trade Interventions, by Region
Shares of Trade Affected by Trade Interventions, by Asian Subregion
Global Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Outflows, Balance of Payments
Investment Flows for Asia and the Pacific by Mode of Entry
Sectoral Composition of Firm-Level Investment in Asia and the Pacific—Global Investments, by Mode of Entry (%)
Investment in Asia and the Pacific by Mode of Entry and Destination, 2022
Intraregional Linkages in Asia and the Pacific by Mode of Entry and Subregion, 2022 (% of total intraregional investment)
Greenfield Investment in Asia and the Pacific, by Activity and Subsector
Table Updates on Investment Treaties—Bilateral Investment Treaties and Free Trade Agreements
Figure Average Score for Provisions in Asia’s International Investment Agreements
Restrictive and Facilitative Investment Measures in Asia and the Pacific
Average Foreign Investment in Strategic Sectors—Total Firm-Level Activity, Greenfield Investments and M&As ($ billion)
Total Firm Investment in Strategic Sectors—by Asian Subregion ($ billion)
Investment Trends in Environmental Goods and Services, by Destination Region ($ billion)
Efficiency-Seeking Investment in Asia and the Pacific—Total Firm-Level Investment ($ billion)
Efficiency-Seeking Investment in Selected Asian Economies—Total Firm-Level Investment ($ million)
Illustration of Intereconomy Input-Output Information by Firm Ownership
Market-Seeking Investment in Asia and the Pacific—Total Firm-Level Investment ($ billion)
Market-Seeking Investment in Selected Asian Economies—Total Firm-Level Investment ($ million)
Sectoral Concentration of Efficiency-Seeking and Market-Seeking FDI
Analytical and Broad Sector Classification
Efficiency-Seeking Investment by Asian Subregion—Total Firm-Level Investment ($ million)
Market-Seeking Investment by Asian Subregion—Total Firm-Level Investment ($ million)
Monetary Policy Rates and Inflation—Selected Advanced Economies (%)
Nonresident Capital Flows—Selected Asian Economies ($ billion)
Nonresident Capital Flows by Type—Selected Asian Economies (% of total)
Year-to-Date Change—Selected Asian Economies (%, as of 18 December 2023)
Variance Decomposition of Equity and Bond Returns (%)
Variance Decomposition of Equity and Bond Returns (%)
Cross-Border Assets—Asia and the Pacific, by Type
Cross-Border Liabilities—Asia and the Pacific, by Type
Cross-Border Investment—Asia and the Pacific, by Type (% to total)
Inward Portfolio Debt Investment from Top 10 Sources (% of destination economy GDP)
Inward Portfolio Equity Investment from Top 10 Sources (% of destination economy GDP)
Aggregate Capital Inflows Timeline—Asia and the Pacific
Policy Rate Differential with the US Policy Rate—Selected Asian Economies (percentage points, as of July 2023)
Number of Economies Introducing National Security-Related Investment Screening
Global Uncertainty Measure—Asia and the Pacific (index)
US Dollar 1-Year Euro Credit Default Swap—United States (basis points)
Regression Coefficients of Capital Inflow Determinants
Regression Coefficients—International Debt Share and US Dollar Funding Costs
Currency Composition by International Currency Use (%)
Currency Composition by International Currency Use and by World Region (%)
Regression Coefficients—International Debt Share and Federal Funds Rate
Outflow of Migrant Workers from Selected Asian Economies (2019 = 100)
Job Vacancies in the United States and Canada, by Sector
Job Vacancies in the United States and Canada, by Sector
Work Visas Issued by Migrant Host Economy
Employment Distribution of Migrants in Host Economies (% of total)
Labor Mobility Scheme Workers in Australia and New Zealand (’000)
Remittance Inflows to Asia and the Pacific, and the World
Inflows to Asia and the Pacific, by Subregion
Top 10 Remittance Recipient Economies in Asia and the Pacific (a) Inflows ($ billion)
Top 10 Remittance Recipient Economies in Asia and the Pacific (b) Inflows (2023, % of GDP)
Intraregional Remittance Share—Asia and the Pacific
Intraregional Profile of Remittance Sources of Asian Economies
Average Total Cost of Remitting $200, as of Q1 2023 (a) Quarterly trend
Average Total Cost of Remitting $200, as of Q1 2023 (b) By services provider and payment instrument
Definition of Digital Remittances, by Institution
Share of Digital Remittances in Total Remittances
Global Usage of Mobile Money Services, 2021
Share of Other Digital Remittances by Sending Region, 2022
Digital Remittances and Their Correlates—Asia and the Pacific, 2022
Trends of Pick-Up Methods for Remittances Sent Through Digital-Only Money Transfer Operators, Global Share (%)
Global Initiatives to Lower Remittance Costs and Enhance Cross-Border Payment Systems
International Tourist Arrivals (%)
International Tourism Receipts by Region (% of 2019)
Average Share of the People’s Republic of China in Asian Economy’s Total Tourist Arrivals, 2015–2019 (%)
Tourist Arrivals from the People’s Republic of China to Selected Asian Economies (% of total tourist arrivals)
Estimated Decline in the Tourism Expenditure of the People’s Republic of China in Asian Subregions, 2020–2022 (% of 2019 GDP)
International Tourist Arrivals by Asian Subregion (% of 2019)
International Tourism Receipts by Asian Subregion (% of 2019)
Source Markets for Tourism in Asia and the Pacific
Barriers to the Recovery of Global Tourism
Application of Smart Tools across Tourism Value Chain
Digital Economy Agreements of Singapore and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Global Annual Emissions of Carbon Dioxide (million metric tons)
Understanding the Complex Relationship between Global Value Chains and Climate Change
The Role and Impact of Transportation in Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Methodology for Measuring Emissions in Global Value Chains
Decomposition of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Production (million metric tons)
Carbon Dioxide Emissions Production for Global Value Chain Trade by Region (million metric tons)
The Contribution of Multinational Enterprises to Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Global Value Chains
Production Emissions per Capita by Source and Region (metric tons per capita)
Regional Carbon Dioxide Emissions Production and Regional Carbon Dioxide Emissions Destinations in Global Value Chains, 2018
Production and Use of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Global Value Chains by Sector, 2018
Growth Rate and Decomposition of the Growth of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Production, 1995-2018 (%)
Scatterplot of Global Value Chain Shares in Value-Added and in Carbon Dioxide Emissions Production, 2018
Association between Global Value Chain Production and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Production, 2018
Association between Global Value Chain Positioning and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Global Value Chains, 2018
Ratio of Carbon Dioxide Production to Total Value-Added, and Carbon Dioxide Production in Global Value Chains to Value-Added due to Global Value Chains, 2018
Log Ratio of Carbon Dioxide Emissions to Value-Added by Sector
Association Between the Share of Value-Added Due to Global Value Chain Production and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Intensities, 1995–2018
Rate of Change of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Intensities within Global Value Chains and the Contributions of Structural Change and Intra-Sectoral Emissions Intensities (%)
Climate Clubs as Global Cooperation
Developments in Carbon Price under Various Carbon Pricing Initiatives ($ per metric ton)
Carbon Intensity of Production in Selected Sectors by Economy and Region, 2017 (metric tons of carbon dioxide per $ million of value-added)
Value-Added Tax Equivalent of a Carbon Price of €100 per metric ton of Carbon Dioxide(%)