Aid for Trade in Asia and the Pacific
The ADB aims for greater Aid for Trade in Asia and the Pacific as it can effectively contribute to trade-led growth. As an important part of ADB's assistance for Aid for Trade, it continues to expand its trade finance program which provides guarantees and loans to partner banks in support of international trade. This section provides information on Aid for Trade updates including resources such as publications and studies, latest events, speeches, and reports.
Emerging Asian Regionalism
A partnership for shared prosperity
“Emerging Asian Regionalism” is a study produced by a team of ADB staff, scholars, and advisers to regional policy makers. The key message of the study is that, in an increasingly globalized world, Asian regionalism entails a partnership for regionally and globally shared prosperity. This section provides downloadable copies of the main report, executive summary, and highlights. It also includes details on how to order a printed copy of the book.
Future Global Reserve System
an Asian Perspective
The “Future Global Reserve System-an Asian Perspective” is an e-report produced by the ADB in partnership with the Earth Institute of Columbia University. The report examines important issues related to the global reserve system and is envisaged to be a key reference regarding current consensus and differences in the debate on the global reserve system. This section contains downloadable summaries of the 18 research papers under the project, as well as the executive summary, and recommendations.