3:00–4:30 pm (Manila) Platform: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Changing Patterns of Capital Flows
The webinar discussed the report of the Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS) on the changing composition and dynamics of capital flows, as well as the macroeconomic and financial stability implications of these changes, including for Asia.
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Previous Episode:
How Fintech Can Help Achieve a Sustainable and Inclusive Recovery
20 Jul 2021 9:00–10:30 am
(Manila) Next Episode:
Understanding Financial Inclusion
16 Sep 2021 3:00–4:15 pm
- Opening Remarks:Yasuyuki Sawada Chief Economist and Director General, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department (ERCD), Asian Development Bank (ADB)Bio
Yasuyuki Sawada is chief economist of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and director general of its Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department. He is chief spokesperson on economic and development trends and leads the production of ADB’s flagship knowledge products and support for regional cooperation fora.
Before joining ADB, Mr. Sawada was professor of economics at the University of Tokyo and has led numerous large-scale development policy evaluation projects for various institutions. His key research areas are development economics, microeconometrics, economics of disasters, and field surveys and experiments. Mr. Sawada obtained his PhD in economics from Stanford University.
Presentation:Changing Patterns of Capital FlowsCatherine Casanova Economist, Financial Systems & Regulation, Monetary and Economic Department, Bank for International SettlementsBio PresentationCathérine Casanova is an Economist at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Her research interests cover international banking and regulation, financial market integration, and microdata econometrics. She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Zurich (2012). During her PhD, she visited Columbia University and conducted part of her research at Deutsche Bundesbank. Cathérine held a scholarship from the German National Merit Foundation during her studies. Between November 2016 and April 2017, she was assigned to the BIS Office in Hong Kong. Since August 2019, Catherine is working at the Secretariat of the Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS).
Panel Discussion:ModeratorCyn-Young Park Director, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division, ERCD, ADBBioDr. Cyn-Young Park is Director of Regional Cooperation and Integration in the Economics Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). During her progressive career within ADB, she has been a main author and contributor to ADB’s major publications including Asian Development Outlook (ADB’s flagship publication), Asia Capital Markets Monitor, Asia Economic Monitor, Asia Bond Monitor, and ADB Country Diagnostic Study Series. She has also participated in various global and regional forums including the G20 Development Working Group, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), ASEAN+3, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). She has written and lectured extensively about the Asian economy and financial markets. Her work has been published in peer reviewed academic journals including the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Futures Markets, the Review of Income and Wealth, and the World Economy.
Prior to joining the ADB, she served as Economist (1999-2002) at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), where she contributed to the OECD Economic Outlook. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Economics from Seoul National University.Panelists:Mangal Goswami Executive Director, The SEACEN CentreBio PresentationMangal Goswami is currently the Executive Director at The SEACEN Centre in Kuala Lumpur. He was the Deputy Director at IMF-South Asia Regional Training and Technical Assistance Centre in New Delhi. He also served as the Deputy Director of the IMF’s Singapore Regional Training Institute (STI) during June 2010- December 2016. He has a range of experience with IMF macro and macro-financial capacity development work in Asia. Prior to joining the STI, he was a Senior Economist in the Monetary and Capital Markets Department of the IMF. Notably, he was a member of selected IMF working groups during the Global Financial Crisis. He participated in the IMF’s surveillance work on Large Complex Financial Institutions and was part of several Financial Sector Assessment Programs. Before joining the IMF, he was an Economist at ABN AMRO Bank in Singapore during the Asian Financial Crisis, and he served in the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in the US.
Livio Stracca Deputy Director General, International and European Relations European Central BankBioLivio Stracca is the Deputy Director General International European Relations of the European Central Bank (ECB) after having held several senior roles in the same institution. He is an adjunct Professor at the University of Frankfurt J.-W. Goethe. He started his career in the research department of the Banca d’Italia.
He holds a PhD in Economics and a postgraduate degree in European Union Law. His research interests are mainly in macroeconomics and monetary economics. He has published extensively in academic journals and is the author of The Economics of Central Banking (Routledge).