3:00–4:20 (Manila time, GMT+8) Platform: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Driving Inclusive Digitalization in Trade and Trade Finance
While mobility restrictions at the onset of the pandemic induced disruptions in global value chains, it has also served as a catalyst for increased digitalization. International trade contracted in 2020 but has since recovered. Lingering uncertainties from high inflation, tight financial markets, and geopolitical tensions threaten a fragile recovery in trade and economic activity.
This 31st edition of the RCI-POD webinar discussed the actions being taken to address these challenges in making digitalization of global trade and supply chains a reality. Based on the ADB Policy Brief, Driving Inclusive Digitalization in Trade and Trade Finance, this webinar included a panel of experts that shed light on the need for digitalization, the high cost of adoption, the progress of digitalization, and the various international initiatives being taken to adopt common digital standards.
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Agenda (PDF)
Previous Episode:
Building Forward Better: Tourism in Post-COVID-19
4 Apr 2022 3:00–4:30 p.m. (GMT+8)
(Manila time, GMT+8) Next Episode:
Integrated Approach to Trade and Transportation Facilitation
8 Aug 2023 10:00–11:30 (Manila time, GMT+8)
(Manila time, GMT+8) Featured publication:
- 15:00 – 15:05
- Welcome RemarksCyn-Young Park Director, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development BankBio
Cyn-Young Park is Director of the Regional Cooperation and Integration Division in the Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). In her current capacity, she manages a team of economists to examine economic and policy issues related to regional cooperation and integration (RCI) and develop strategies and approaches to support RCI. During her progressive career within ADB, she has been a main author and contributor to ADB’s major publications including Asian Development Outlook (ADB’s flagship publication), Asian Economic Integration Report, Asia Capital Markets Monitor, Asia Economic Monitor, Asia Bond Monitor, and ADB Country Diagnostic Study Series. She has also participated in various global and regional forums including the G20 Development Working Group, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), ASEAN+3, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). She has written and lectured extensively about the Asian economy and financial markets. Her work has been published in peer reviewed academic journals including the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Financial Stability, the Journal of Futures Markets, the Review of Income and Wealth, and the World Economy.
Prior to joining ADB, she served as Economist (1999-2002) at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), where she contributed to the OECD Economic Outlook. She received her PhD in Economics from Columbia University. She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Economics from Seoul National University.
- 15:05 – 15:15
Presentation:Driving Inclusive Digitalization in Trade and Trade FinanceKijin Kim Senior Economist, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development BankBio PresentationKijin Kim is an economist in the Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development Bank. Since he joined the ADB in 2017, he has been working on trade, trade facilitation, and trade finance within the context of regional cooperation and integration (RCI). He contributed to ADB’s publications on these areas including the Asian Economic Integration Report, Trade Finance Gaps, Growth, and Jobs Survey, and Trade Facilitation and Better Connectivity for an Inclusive Asia and Pacific.
Before joining ADB, he was a research fellow of the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory at the University of Illinois since 2012. From 2004 to 2010, he worked as economist at the Bank of Korea. He earned his PhD in economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2016, focusing on research within the fields of regional economics and applied econometrics, centered on the role of labor markets, the effects of heterogeneity in consumption spending, and labor market participation on regional economies.
- 15:15 – 16:05
Panel Discussion:Moderator:Lyaziza Sabyrova Director, Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division, Central and West Asia Department, Asian Development BankBioLyaziza Sabyrova is the Director of the Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division in Central and West Regional Department. After obtaining her PhD degree in Economics from Indiana University (Bloomington, IN, USA), she joined ADB in 2000. She worked on infrastructure projects in the People’s Republic of China, Central Asian, and South Caucasus countries. She was posted in ADB’s Resident Mission in the Kyrgyz Republic from 2006-2008. In the following three years, she was on a special leave from the ADB, during which she was a Deputy Director of an independent private economic think tank in Kazakhstan, the RAKURS Center for Economic Analysis. More recently, she led the work on ADB’s Country Partnership Strategies for several Central Asian and South Caucasus countries, steered the work of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Institute, and was involved in the Department’s analytical work and knowledge management.
Panelists:Hannah Nguyen Director, Digital Ecosystems, ICC Digital Standards Initiative (DSI)BioWith over 14 years’ experience in global trade and supply chain, Hannah Nguyen is a passionate champion for digitalization, and connecting disparate parts of its ecosystem.
Her role as Director of Digital Ecosystems at ICC’s Digital Standards Initiative (DSI) is transforming the industry by uniting industry stakeholders, standards development organizations, solution providers, governments, and inter-government organizations in the common quest to promote policy coherence and harmonise digital trading standards for the benefit of businesses, governments, and people everywhere.
A prominent industry advocate and thought leader, she has co-authored with the World Trade Organization (WTO) its first ever standards toolkit for cross-border paperless trade, helping companies and government agencies globally adopt readily available standards.
Her prior experience includes leading business development for C. Steinweg Group that resulted in significant expansions for its commodity logistics business in Southeast Asia; promoting Singapore as the premier regional hub for the trading of commodities and derivatives through Enterprise Singapore; and conducting market intelligence to advise corporates interested in competing and growing their businesses in Asia Pacific.
Carmen Maria Ramirez Ortiz Relationship Manager, Trade and Supply Chain Finance Program, Asian Development BankBioCarmen Ramirez is part of ADB’s Trade and Supply Chain Finance team (TSCFP) working as Relationship Manager with the objective of increasing the Program’s supply chain finance business footprint in APAC by engaging with multiple global and regional banks in various geographies. As part of her work in ADB, She also leads the Trade Digitalization Initiative, coordinating TSCFP’s efforts to advocate the adoption of legislation enabling cross-border paperless trade across several ADB’s developing member countries. Prior to joining ADB, she worked at Spanish Embassy in the Philippines as ADB’s liaison.
Yoonee Jeong Senior Digital Technology Specialist, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development BankBioYoonee Jeongis a Senior Digital Technology Specialist with the Digital Technology for Development Unit at ADB. She is a public policy professional with nearly 20 years of international experience in digital technologies in Asia Pacific and Africa.
Before joining ADB, Yoonee was the Director of Public and Regulatory Affairs with the Telenor Group, a global mobile operator. Previously, Yoonee served as a senior consultant on digital economy policy and capacity building to the World Bank and UN-ESCAP and lead policy advocacy for tech companies as Director of Research and Consulting with TRPC, an advisory firm. A Korean native, Yoonee obtained her Master’s degree in International Development Policy from Duke University as a Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Scholar and her bachelor’s from the Ateneo de Manila University of the Philippines.
James Villafuerte Principal Economist, Southeast Asia Regional Department, Asian Development BankBioJames Villafuerte is a principal economist at the Southeast Asia Regional Department (SERD). He conducts research on economics and regional cooperation issues in Southeast Asia, and also leads the SERD Policy Network of economists. He regularly writes economic outlook and risk assessment for Southeast Asia, and also examine its medium-term macroeconomic outlook, policy, and development issues—including COVID-19 economic recovery, global value chain participation, green economy, among others. His advisory and research expertise also cover economic modelling, financial integration, macroeconomic surveillance, and early warning systems. Prior to joining ADB, he was an economist at the World Bank and senior economist at the Department of Treasury and Finance in Victoria, Australia.
- 16:05 – 16:15
Q&A- 16:15 – 16:20
Closing Remarks