11:00–12:30pm (Manila) Platform: Microsoft Teams Meeting
The Role of Asia’s Financial Safety Net during COVID-19
Past financial crises have demonstrated how adequate financial safety net arrangements—globally, regionally, and nationally—are vital to safeguarding financial stability. The unfolding COVID-19 pandemic threatens financial stability in the region. This webinar recast lessons of the past financial crises, discussed the role of regional financial safety nets and ADB’s crisis support facilities, and explored policy options to ensure regional financial stability and resilience moving forward.
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Risks of Financial Contagion Through the Global Banking Networks
16 Jun 2020 10:00–11:30am
(Manila) Featured publication:
- Presentation:Strengthening Asia’s Financial Safety NetCyn-Young Park Director, ERCI, ADBBio
Cyn-Young Park is Director of the Regional Cooperation and Integration Division in the Economics Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). In her current capacity, she manages a team of economists to examine economic and policy issues related to regional cooperation and integration (RCI) and develop strategies and approaches to support RCI. During her progressive career within ADB, she has been a main author and contributor to ADB’s major publications including Asian Development Outlook (ADB’s flagship publication), Asia Capital Markets Monitor, Asia Economic Monitor, Asia Bond Monitor, and ADB Country Diagnostic Study Series. She has also participated in various global and regional forums including the G20 Development Working Group, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), ASEAN+3, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). She has written and lectured extensively about the Asian economy and financial markets. Her work has been published in peer reviewed academic journals including the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Futures Markets, the Review of Income and Wealth, and the World Economy.
Prior to joining the ADB, she served as Economist (1999-2002) at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), where she contributed to the OECD Economic Outlook. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University. She holds a bachelor degree in International Economics from Seoul National University.
Peter Rosenkranz Economist, ERCI, ADBBioPeter Rosenkranz is an Economist in the Regional Cooperation and Integration Division in the Economics Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). His knowledge work primarily focuses on issues relating to financial development and stability within the context of regional financial integration and cooperation in Asia. This includes research on strengthening Asia’s financial safety net and the identification of related policy options. He further supports ADB’s participation in regional policy forums, such as Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), ASEAN+3, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM).
Prior to joining the ADB in 2016, he held positions at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) as an Advisor on economic and development policy, and the European Central Bank (ECB) as a Market Infrastructure Expert. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Zurich, Switzerland; and his Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Economics from the University of Konstanz, Germany.
Moderator:Arjun Goswami Chief of RCI Thematic Group, ADBBioArjun Goswami holds a degree in Law (Juris Doctor) from the American University; a Master of Law degree (Public International Law) from Cambridge University; a Master of Arts degree (Modern History) from Oxford University; and a Master of Science Certificate in Financial Management from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University. With 21 years in ADB in both operations and knowledge and a decade of RCI experience, he brings strategic direction and a focus on innovation and quality for future RCI work by ADB.
Panelists:Li Lian Ong Group Head, Financial Surveillance, AMROBioLi Lian Ong is Group Head of Financial Surveillance and Acting Group Head of Regional Surveillance at AMRO. She currently oversees the production of AMRO’s flagship report, the ASEAN+3 Regional Economic Outlook; the ERPD Matrix work for surveillance and CMIM qualification purposes; and is helping to develop AMRO’s financial surveillance capacity.
Prior to AMRO, Li Lian was a Senior Vice President in the Investment Strategy Department at the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC). Before moving to GIC in 2014, Li Lian was a Deputy Division Chief in the Monetary and Capital Markets Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington, DC. Prior to the IMF, Li Lian was an Associate Director and the Asia Regional Economist at the Macquarie Bank Group (Sydney and Hong Kong). She had previously worked at Arthur Andersen & Co. in Kuala Lumpur, and then as an academic at The University of Western Australia.
Li Lian holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) and a PhD in international finance from The University of Western Australia. She is also a qualified CPA with the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants.She has published on a variety of topics in financial economics, and is the author of the book, The Big Mac Index: Applications of Purchasing Power Parity, as well as editor of the IMF volume, A Guide to IMF Stress Testing: Methods and Models, and its forthcoming sequel, A Guide to IMF Stress Testing II: Principles, Concepts and Frameworks.
Giacomo Giannetto Principal Financial Sector Specialist, EAPF, ADBBioGiacomo Gianetto is a Principal Financial Sector Specialist at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) currently responsible for coverage of the financial sectors of the People’s Republic of China and Mongolia and leading sovereign loan and assistance projects in both countries. His career experience covers a broad range in banking and financial sectors working in private and government sectors while supporting development of banks, central banks and financial authorities in Europe, the South America, the Middle East and across Asia. He holds both an MBA and a MS in Management.
Safdar Parvez Director, CWRC, ADBBioSafdar Parvez, has 25 years of experience including 17 years at ADB. He holds Master’s degrees in Economics from Cambridge University, United Kingdom andQuaid- E-Azam University, Pakistan and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Government College, Pakistan. Prior to joining ADB, he was a Programme Manager/Economist at Aga Khan Rural Support Programme, Pakistan where he conducted policy research, analysis and led overall direction for strategic planning, particularly in areas of growth, equity and sustainability. He joined ADB in June 2002 as Programs Officer in the Pakistan Resident Mission (PRM). He was appointed as an Economist in PRM in July 2007 and was later assigned to the ADB Headquarters in the Central and West Asia Department’s Operations Coordination Division in July 2010. In October 2012, he transferred to the Strategy and Policy Department on a promotion as Senior Planning and Policy Economist and was promoted to Principal Planning and Policy Economist in April 2015. He was appointed Director for Central and Asia Department’s Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division in November 2016.
Mr. Parvez is a senior economist who has broad experience in the Bank covering strategy and policy development, country programming and operations, economic and sector work, and supporting regional cooperation and project processing and implementation both in HQ and RM. He has been a team leader on a number of strategy reforms and initiatives such as the Midterm Review of ADB Strategy 2020, Approach to Upper Middle-Income Countries, Reform of Country Partnership Strategy Business Process, and was a lead member of the team which prepared the ADB Strategy 2030. He has also led the preparation of country partnership strategies for Kazakhstan, Pakistan and Uzbekistan. Since assuming his position as Director, CWRC, he has led the formulation of the CAREC 2030 Strategy, the new long- term strategic framework for the CAREC Program leading to 2030 and supervised and led economic and sector work and preparation of country partnership strategies. He has extensive knowledge and experience in Central and West Asia region, and his operational and research background supports ADB’s knowledge and regional cooperation work in the region.