ADB—Pacific Regional Department
ADB’s Pacific Regional Department (PARD) has long been supporting RCI among its 14 Pacific developing member countries (PDMCs), often with other development partners. Contributions include support for regional development forums, infrastructure finance; regional projects focused on renewable energy, marine and coastal management; and strengthening disaster preparedness. PARD’s regional technical assistance contributes to strengthening capacity for public financial management, statistics, and data collection.
Recent Developments: Supporting regional ICT connectivity
Since 2010, the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Papua New Guinea (PNG), Marshall Islands, Samoa, and Fiji Islands have been connected by submarine fiber-optic cables. All other PDMCs rely on satellite, which is expensive and constrained by limited bandwidth.
In response to Pacific Islands Forum leaders’ call for improved international connectivity, ADB has been supporting the Pacific Regional Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Connectivity Program (initiated by the World Bank), which aims to connect Tonga, Samoa, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu by submarine optic fiber cables to the existing global submarine cable network.
Under the first phase of the initiative, endorsed in August 2011, ADB and the WB will jointly support Tonga Cable Limited in developing a submarine cable system that includes installation of an 827-kilometer cable link between Nuku’alofa (Tonga) and Suva (Fiji). Under the second phase, (currently under preparation), support will be provided to the development of a submarine cable system for the Solomon Islands. Both projects will help improve the regulatory environment for telecommunications.
The projects are expected to improve availability and cut costs of internet services, which will open up the market for ICT-related business opportunities and boost socio-economic development through improved service delivery, notably in the health and education, among others.