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2021 AEIR Data Catalogue
A compilation of all figures and tables from the Asian Economic Integration Reports. Download data in CSV or follow links to view specific figure or table from the report.
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Managing Globalization and Regional Integration Post-COVID-19Trade and the Global Value ChainsCross-Border InvestmentFinancial IntegrationMovement of PeopleAsia-Pacific Regional Cooperation and Integration IndexUpdates on Subregional Cooperation InitiativesTheme Chapter: Making Digital Platforms Work for Asia and the PacificStatistical Appendix
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Global COVID-19 Confirmed Cases, By Region (million)
Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Stringency Index—Asia, 2020
Intraregional Trade Value Growth—Asia (%, y-o-y)
Foreign Direct Investments—Selected Economies
Nonresident Portfolio Flows—Emerging Asia ($ billion)
Growth in Tourist and Visitor Arrivals—Selected Economies (%, y-o-y)
Remittances to Selected Countries in Asia, January-November 2020 (% change)
Economic Growth Forecasts for 2020 (%)
Change in Poverty Headcount and Trade Openness (% points)
Trade in Services Growth—Developing Asia (%, y-o-y)
G20 Action Plan in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Areas of Subregional Cooperation Efforts to Promote Recovery Post-COVID-19
Monthly Trade, by Value and Volume—Asia
Monthly Trade Volume Growth—NIEs, PRC, and Selected ASEAN (%, y-o-y, 3-month moving average)
Global Business Confidence and Asia’s Trade Volume Growth
Global Trade—Weekly Indicators (Z-scores)
Number of Port Calls by Region
Merchandise Trade Volume and Real GDP Growth—Asia and World (%, year-on-year)
Trade Value—Asia and World
Intraregional Trade Shares—Asia, European Union, and North America (%)
Intraregional Trade Shares by Asian Subregions (%)
GVC and RVC Participation Rates (%)
RVC-GVC Intensity—Asia, European Union, and North America
RVC-GVC Trade Intensity, by Major Sector—Asia
Overall RVC and GVC Participation—Selected Asian Economies
Complex RVC and GVC Participation—Selected Asian Economies
Backward Global Value Chain Linkages
Forward Global Value Chain Linkages
Impact of Reshoring on Exports (%)
Impact of Reshoring on Imports (%)
Impact of Reshoring on Total Trade (%)
Number of Newly Effective Free Trade Agreements—Asia
Regional Trade Groupings Involving ASEAN+3
Potential Benefits of Regional Trade Agreements—Real Income Increases in 2030 ($ billion)
Number of Nontariff Measures Imposed on Asia
Number of COVID-19-Related Measures Imposed by Asia, by Effect on Trade (as of 24 August 2020)
Number of COVID-19-Related Measures Imposed by Non-Asian Economies, by Effect on Trade (as of 24 August 2020)
2020 Timeline of COVID-19-Related Trade Measures, by Effect on Trade (as of 24 August 2020)
Products Affected by COVID-19-Related Trade Measures, by Effect on Trade (as of 24 August 2020)
Type of Measures Imposed, by Effect on Trade (as of 24 August 2020)
Type of Measures Imposed by Asia, by Product Group and Effect on Trade (as of August 2020)
Type of Measures Imposed by Non-Asia, by Product Group and Effect on Trade (as of August 2020)
Types of Provisions on Quantitative Restrictions in Asian FTAs (%)
Evolution of Provisions on Quantitative Restrictions in Asian FTAs
Evolution of Provisions on Quantitative Restrictions in Asian FTAs, by Region
World Market Shares in ITA Products by Type of Accession (%)
Analytical Framework of GVC and RVC
Direct Impact of Diversification to Backward Linkages
Direct and Indirect Impact of Diversification to Backward Linkages
Impact to Top Source
Impact to Top 2 Source
Impact to Top 3 Source
Impact to the Rest of the World
Impact of Diversification on Backward Linkages (%)
Direct Impact of Diversification to Forward Linkages
Direct and Indirect Impact of Diversification to Forward Linkages
Impact to Top Destination
Spillover of Impact to Top Destination
Impact to Top 2 Destination
Spillover of Impact to Top 2 Destination
Impact to Top 3 Destination
Spillover of Impact to Top 3 Destination
Impact of Diversification on Forward Linkages (%)
Global Inward Foreign Direct Investment, by Destination ($ trillion)
Global Inward FDI, First Quarter Estimates, 2003–2020—Greenfield and M&As ($ billion)
Asian Inward FDI, First Quarter Estimates, 2003–2020—Greenfield and M&As ($ billion)
Global Outward FDI, First Quarter Estimates, 2003–2020—Greenfield and M&As ($ billion)
Asian Outward FDI, First Quarter Estimates, 2003–2020—Greenfield and M&As ($ billion)
Global Inward Investment by Destination Region, Q1 to Q3 2020—Greenfield FDI and M&As ($ billion)
Asian Inward Investment by Destination Region, Q1 to Q3 2020—Greenfield FDI and M&As ($ billion)
FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index versus FDI—World
FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index versus FDI—Asia and Non-Asia
FDI Screening Criteria—Select Economies
Number of Enforced Asian BITs and Regional Distribution, by Year
Trends in Investor-State Disputes in Asia
Description of New BIT Provisions in ADB Database
Average Score for BIT Provisions in Asia’s Bilateral Investment Treaties
BIT Provisions for Intraregional (Asia-Asia) and Extraregional (Asia-ROW) Agreements
Average BIT Provisions by Year of Signature or Enforcement
Liberalization Quality Indicator
Antidiscrimination Indicator
M&A and Greenfield Variables, and BIT Provisions
M&A and Greenfield (Number of Deals/Projects), by BIT Family and Sector
International Investment Agreements and Types of COVID-19 Measures
Recommendations for Improving BIT Provisions in the Post-COVID-19
BIT Provisions by Category
Liberalization and Antidiscrimination Indicators in Asia GDP per Capita
Liberalization and Antidiscrimination Indicators in Asia FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index
Liberalization and Antidiscrimination Indicators in Asia World Governance Indicator (Regulatory Quality)
Volatility Index
Credit Default Swaps—Selected Asian Economies (spreads index, 2 January 2020 = 100)
LIBOR-OIS Spread—Global Financial Crisis versus COVID-19 (basis points)
Cross-Currency Basis Swap Spread against the United States Dollar (basis points)
Financial Stress Index—Euro Area, the United States, and the United Kingdom
Financial Stress Index—Selected Asian Economies
Stock Price Index—Selected Asian Economies (2 January 2020 = 100)
Comparison of Equity Market Slump—Selected Economies
Nonresident Portfolio Flows—Selected Asian Economies ($ billion)
Nonresident Capital Flows—Selected Asian Economies ($ billion)
Exchange Rate, $/LCU—Selected Asian Currencies (2 January 2020 = 100)
Policy Rate Cuts—Selected Asian Economies
Variance Decomposition—Equity Returns
Variance Decomposition—Bond Returns
Cross-Border Assets—Asia
Cross-Border Liabilities—Asia
Conditional Marginal Effects of CBOE VIX with 95% CIs
Currency Composition of Asia’s International Investment Positions (%)
Currency Shares of Asia’s International Investment Assets and Liabilities (share of total)
Currency Composition of Asia’s International Equity Investments (%)
Currency Composition of Asia’s International Debt Investments (%)
Asia’s Trade with the United States and US Dollar Invoicing (%)
United States Dollar and Other Currency Trade Invoicing (%)
Currency Shares of Asia’s Trade Invoice (%)
Sectoral Debt, 2010 versus 2020*—Asia (% of GDP)
Corporate Financing—Emerging Asia (% of GDP)
Development of NPLs, 2015 versus 2019—Selected Asian Economies (NPL ratio, %)
Impact of Nonperforming Loans on Banking Outflows from Emerging Market Economies (LBS total cross-border foreign claims)
US Dollar Cross-Border Bank Holdings by Non-US Banks ($ trillion)
Gross Cross-Border Bank Claims and Liabilities—Asia ($ trillion)
Determinants of the Cross-Currency Basis Swap and Effect on Nonresident Capital Outflows
International Portfolio Assets—Asia
Change in International Portfolio Assets—Asia ($ billion)
International Portfolio Liabilities—Asia
Change in International Portfolio Liabilities—Asia ($ billion)
Intraregional Portfolio Debt Investment—Asia, by Subregion
Intraregional Portfolio Equity Investment—Asia, by Subregion
Cross-Border Bank Holdings—Asia
Change in Cross-Border Bank Holdings—Asia ($ billion)
International Migrant Stock and Share of Migrants from Asia
Top 10 Sources of Migrants, 2019—Asia (million)
Mobility Restrictions during the COVID-19 Pandemic—2020 Oxford Government Stringency Index
Number of Return Migrants during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Migration to and from Asia, by Region (million)
Asian Outmigrants by Subregion and Their Regional Destination, 2019 (number of international migrants)
Top 10 Economies Hosting Migrants from Asia and COVID-19 Cases