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Macroeconomic Indicators
Regional Cooperation and Integration database:

2016 AEIR Data Catalogue

A compilation of all figures and tables from the Asian Economic Integration Reports. Download data in CSV or follow links to view specific figure or table from the report.

  • By chapter:
    Economic Outlook and Resilience
    Trade and Global Value Chain
    Financial Integration
    Movement of People
    Subregional Initiatives
    Special Theme: What Drives Foreign Direct Investment in Asia and the Pacific?
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Regional GDP Growth (%, y-o-y)
GDP Growth, Shocks, and Cost of Natural Disasters—Asia
GDP Impact of Economic Crises on Developing Asia (peak vs trough)
Share of Asia ex PRC Output Variance Due to External and Local Factors
Share of Asia ex PRC Output Variance Due to External and Local Factors
Building economic resilience - A Framework
Volatility of Output and Consumption Growth versus Population, 2006-2015
Volatility of Output and Consumption Growth versus Terms of Trade. 2006-2015
Volatility of Output and Consumption Growth versus Economic Openness, 2006-2015
Volatility of Output and Consumption Growth versus Employment Industry, 2006-2015
Volatility of Output and Consumption Growth versus Saving and Debt, 2006-2015
Volatility of Output and Consumption Growth versus Infrastructure Quality
Volatility of Output and Consumption Growth versus Governance and Adequacy of Social Protection
Merchandise Trade and GDP Growth—Asia and World
Export and Import Volume Growth (%, y-o-y) - Developed Economies and Developed Economies
PRC and Asia ex-PRC Trade Volume Growth (%, y-o-y)
Total Trade by Commodity Groups—Asia
Intraregional Trade Shares—Asia, EU, North America (%)
Trade Value Growth—Asia By Partner (%, y-o-y)
Intra-Subregional Trade Shares—Asia (%)
Inter-subregional Trade Shares—Asia (%)
Gravity Model Estimation Results
Gravity Model Estimation Results: Intra- and Inter-Subregional Trade
REER Index (pre-GFC: 2001–2006)
REER Index (post-GFC: 2012–2015)
REER Elasticity of Export Volume
REER Elasticity of Import Volume
Gravity Model Estimation Results: Impact of Real Exchange Rates on Bilateral Exports
Regression Results
Components of Gross Exports (%) World
Components of Gross Exports (%) Asia
Asia’s Link to Global and Regional Value Chains (% of total per component)
Select Individual Asian Economies Export Component (% of total exports)
Trade and Investment Channels of Brexit Impact
Top 10 EU Exporters to UK, 2015
GVC Link (Exports) and Gross Exports of EU to UK, 2015
Top Asian Exporters to the UK, 2015
GVC Link (Exports) and Gross Exports of Asia to UK, 2015
Direct and Indirect Greenfield FDI to UK and EU from Asian Economies, 2015 ($ million)
Number of Newly Effective FTAs—World
Number of Signed FTAs—Asia (cumulative since 1975)
Number of FTAs Proposed and Signed by Year—Asia
Recently Proposed FTAs in Asia
Number of Trade Remedy Measures Affecting Asia (by type)
Trade Remedy Measures and WTO Cases, 2010–2016
Number of Trade Remedy Measures Affecting Asia (2010–2016, by top affected sectors)
Number of Implemented Trade Remedy Measures—Top Affected Asian Economies (2010–2016)
Number of SPS Measures
Number of TBT Measures
Number of SPS-Specific Trade Concerns
Number of TBT Specific Trade Concerns
Number of SPS Measures Imposed by Region, 1995–2015
Number of Bilateral SPS Measures Affecting Each Region, 1995–2015
Top 10 economies imposing SPS, 1995–2015 (number of measures)
Top 10 economies imposing TBT, 1995–2015 (number of measures)
Number of SPS and TBT Measures Imposed on Product Groups, 1995–2015
Influence of SPS/TBT: Pooled and Panel Regression—Full Sample (2012–2014)
Influence of SPS/TBT: Pooled OLS—OECD and Asia, Agriculture Sector (2012–2014)
Influence of SPS and TBT Separately—2012–2014
Gravity Model Estimation Results: Impact of Real Exchange Rates on Exports
Decomposition of Gross Exports
Cross-border Assets - Asia
Cross-border Liabilities - Asia
Portfolio Debt Investment - World ($ trillion)
Outward Portfolio Debt Investment - Asia
Change in Portfolio Debt Outward Investment - Asia ($ billion)
Asia's intraregional portfolio debt investment, by subregion ($ billion)
Destination of Asia's portfolio Debt Outward Investment ($ billion)
Inward Portfolio Debt Investment - Asia
Change in Portfolio Debt Inward Investment, Asia ($ billion)
Sources of Asia's Portfolio Debt Inward Investment ($ billion)
Portfolio Equity Investment - World ($ trillion)
Outward Portfolio Equity Investment - Asia
Change in Portfolio Equity Outward Investment - Asia ($ billion)
Asia's Intraregional Portfolio Equity Investment, by Subregion ($ billion)
Destination of Asia's Portfolio Equity Outward Investment ($ billion)
Inward Portfolio Equity Investment - Asia
Change in Portfolio Equity Inward Investment - Asia ($ billion)
Sources of Asia's Portfolio Equity Inward Investment ($billion)
Cross-border Bank Holdings - World ($ trillion)
Cross-border Bank Claims - Asia
Change in Bank Claims - Asia ($ billion)
NPLs and NPL Ratios of Selected Asian Economies
NPL Ratio of Selected Asian Economies
Cross-border Bank Claims - Asia, by Reporter ($ trillion)
Cross-border Bank Liabilities - Asia
Destination of Asia's Bank Claims ($ billion)
Change in Bank Liability - Asia ($ billion)
Sources of Bank Liabilities ($ trillion)
Sources of Asia's Bank Liabilities
Average simple correlation of Stock Price Index Weekly Returns - Asia with Asia and Asia with World
Average simple correlation of Stock Price Index Weekly Returns - Asia with the PRC and Japan
Average simple correlation of Stock Price Index Weekly Returns - Asia with the EU and US
Conditional Correlations of Equity Markets Asia with Select Economies and Regions
Average simple correlation of Bond Index Weekly Returns - Asia with Asia and Asia with World
Average simple correlation of Bond Index Weekly Returns - Asia with the PRC and Japan
Conditional Correlations of Bond Markets Asia with Select Economies and Regions
Average simple correlation of Bond Index Weekly Returns - Asia with the EU and US
Share of Variance in Local Equity Returns Explained by Global and Regional Shocks (%), Pre-GFC
Share of Variance in Local Equity Returns Explained by Global and Regional Shocks (%), Post-GFC
Share of Variance in Local Bond Returns Explained by Global and Regional Shocks (%), Pre-GFC
Share of Variance in Local Bond Returns Explained by Global and Regional Shocks (%), Post-GFC
σ-Convergence of 10 year government bond yields, Intra-Asia
σ-Convergence of 10 year government bond yields, Asia with Non-Asia
Capital Flow Volatility, Asia
Financial Inflows to Asia ($ billion, by type)
Financial Flow Volatility - Asia (by type)
Figure 4.2: Remittance Inflows Asia and World
Remittance Inflows to Asia in 2015—by Source ($billion, % share)
Bilateral Remittances (2015, $ million)
Remittance Inflows (% of GDP)
Remittance Inflows (% of world total)
Subregional Remittance Share—Asia (% of total global remittances to the subregion)
Top 10 Remittance-Recipient Economies—Asia
Tourism Receipts by Region, 2014 (billion, % share)
Tourism Receipts (% world total)
Tourism Receipts from World—Asia and Asian subregions (% of GDP)
Remittances and Tourism Receipts in Asia by subregions (% of GDP)
Top 10 Tourism Receipts Receiving Economies—Asia
Subregional Tourism Share—Asia, (% of total tourist arrivals to each subregion)
International Migration—World and Asia
Total international Outbound Migrants to the World, by region (million)
Bilateral Migration Matrix, 2015 (thousand)
Total international Inbound Migrants to the World, by region (million)
Intraregional migration in Asia
Intraregional migration by subregion (% of total outbound migration from Asia)
Subregional Migration Share—Asia (% of total migration)
Regression Analysis; Impact of Migration on Remittances in Asia and the Pacific
Net Migration versus GDP per capita in Selected Asian Economies
Reasons for Outbound Migration in Cambodia
Change Population across Asia (base year = 2010, million)
Change Population: Age Categories and Aging Stage
Case 1: Change in population at standard dependency ratio
Case 2: Change in population at constant dependency ratio
Wage Disparities Across Selected Countries: Average Monthly Wage ($)
Selected Economic Indicators—CAREC, 2015
CAREC Approved Investment Projects by Sector (cumulative since 2001)
Selected Economic Indicators—Greater Mekong Subregion
Sectoral Distribution of GMS Investment Projects Financed by ADB, 1994–2015
Economies Covered in the Belt and Road Initiative
Population Density, 2014 Versus Road Density, 2011
Selected Economic Indicators—SASEC Members, 2015