Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP): A New Paradigm in Asia’s Trading Architecture
The Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department (ERCD) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) shared the main findings of its report “The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement: A New Paradigm in Asian Regional Cooperation?” and exchanged views with senior government officials from RCEP member countries on the way forward in RCEP implementation. Over 2 half-days of focused sessions, the conference brought in government officials from RCEP member countries, representatives from international organizations, research institutes, and business community who shared and deliberated on issues of interest in the RCEP agreement. Sessions mix of presentation and panel discussions aimed at identifying key areas where further inter-governmental work is needed for a successful RCEP implementation. These will serve as main basis for further research, dissemination, and capacity building activities to support ADB developing members in the negotiations and development of the RCEP built-in agenda.
Event details
Tuesday, 3 May 2022
13:30–16:35 (GMT+8, Manila)
Wednesday, 4 May 2022
- Pramila Crivelli
Economist, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department,
Asian Development Bank
- Sanchita Basu Das
Economist, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department,
Asian Development Bank
- Paulo Rodelio Marquez. Halili
Senior Economics Officer, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department,
Asian Development Bank
- Pia Asuncion P. Tenchavez
Senior Operations Assistant, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department,
Asian Development Bank
Day 1 – Tuesday, 3 May 2022
- Moderator:Cyn-Young Park Director, ERCI, ERCD, ADBBio
Cyn-Young Park is Director of Regional Cooperation and Integration in the Economics Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). During her progressive career within ADB, she has been a main author and contributor to ADB’s major publications including Asian Development Outlook (ADB’s flagship publication), Asia Capital Markets Monitor, Asia Economic Monitor, Asia Bond Monitor, and ADB Country Diagnostic Study Series. She has also participated in various global and regional forums including the G20 Development Working Group, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), ASEAN+3, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). She has written and lectured extensively about the Asian economy and financial markets. Her work has been published in peer reviewed academic journals including the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Futures Markets, the Review of Income and Wealth, and the World Economy.
Prior to joining the ADB, she served as Economist (1999-2002) at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), where she contributed to the OECD Economic Outlook. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Economics from Seoul National University.11:00–11:05 Welcome Remarks:Albert Park Chief Economist, concurrently Director General, ERCD, ADBBioAlbert F. Park is Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Director General of its Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department. He is chief spokesperson on economic and development trends and leads the production of ADB’s flagship knowledge products and support for regional cooperation fora.
Mr. Park has more than 2 decades of experience as a development economist. A well-known expert on the economy of the People’s Republic of China, he has directed a number of large-scale research projects in the country. He has also served as an international consultant for the World Bank and a member of the steering committee for the Asia-Pacific Research Universities’ Population Ageing Hub. Mr. Park has worked on a broad range of development issues including poverty and inequality, intergenerational mobility, microfinance, migration and labor markets, the future of work, and foreign investment.
Mr. Park is Chair Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for Economic Policy at HKUST (on leave). Previously, he served as a founding director of HKUST’s Institute for Emerging Market Studies, professor at the University of Oxford, and associate professor at the University of Michigan. He has also held editorial positions at a number of leading economic journals.
A national of the United States, he received his bachelor’s degree in economics from Harvard University and his doctorate in applied economics from Stanford University.
11:05–11:25 Keynote Presentation 1:Trudy Witbreuk State Director, NSW State Office, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, AustraliaBioTrudy Witbreuk is currently the State Director, NSW State Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. In 2021, Ms Witbreuk served as Charge d’Affaires a.i. at the Australian Embassy in Brussels. Ms Witbreuk was previously First Assistant Secretary, Regional Trade Agreements Division, and was the Chief Negotiator for the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. She also led DFAT’s work on trade advocacy and outreach.
Ms Witbreuk has extensive trade policy experience in DFAT, including serving as Australia’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organisation in Geneva, and as Counsellor Trade Policy in Washington during negotiation of the Australia US Free Trade Agreement. She has also served in a senior role in the Trade and Agriculture Directorate of the OECD.
Keynote Presentation 2:“RCEP - An ASEAN Initiative for New Trading Architecture”H.E. Satvinder Singh Deputy Secretary-General, The ASEAN SecretariatBioSatvinder Singh is the Deputy Secretary-General for ASEAN Economic Community for 2021–2024. In his capacity as the Deputy Secretary-General, he provides strategic advice to the Secretary-General of ASEAN for advancing ASEAN’s economic integration agenda as well as to lead the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Department of the ASEAN Secretariat in implementing the AEC Blueprint 2025.
Before assuming this role, he was the Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Trade Connectivity & Business Services at Enterprise Singapore. With over 27 years of experience in holding a variety of local, regional and global management positions across the region, he was instrumental in strengthening Singapore’s role as Asia’s trading hub as well as driving digitalisation efforts in Singapore amidst the COVID19 pandemic.
Mr. Singh holds a bachelor’s degree in social sciences from the National University of Singapore and attended the Harvard’s Business School Advanced Management Programme in 2017.
11:25–12:15 Setting the Stage for RCEP ImplementationPramila A. Crivelli Economist, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division, ERCD, ADBBioPramila Crivelli is an Economist in the Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Her main fields of specialization are applied econometrics in international trade policy, regional trade agreements, trade negotiations, rules or origin, non-tariff measures and geographical indications. At ADB, her portfolio also covers APEC and regional public goods.
Prior to joining ADB in November 2020, she was an Assistant Professor at the Goethe University Frankfurt leading the Chair of International Trade. Her work has been published in academic peer reviewed journals including the Journal of International Economics and the World Economy.
She received her PhD from the University of Geneva, Switzerland. She accumulated extensive experience in applied economic policy and technical cooperation serving as an Economic Affairs Officer at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, researching at the European University Institute and the World Trade Organization, and carrying out consultancies for various clients in Asia and Africa. She has a strong expertise in delivering capacity building and advisory services to governments, public and private institutions, and trade negotiators in multilateral and regional fora.
Sanchita Basu Das Economist, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division, ERCD, ADBBioSanchita Basu-Das is an economist at the Regional Cooperation and Integration Division of the Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department of ADB. She contributes to the division’s flagship publication, namely the Asian Economic Integration Report, and other knowledge products. She also supports the ASEAN regional forum. Her core research interests include regional cooperation and initiatives related to them, such as trade, logistics, industrial corridors, tourism, digital economy, institutions, and others. Sanchita joined ADB in November 2018 and served as an economist in the South Asia Regional Department, processing loans/grants, implementing technical assistance projects and leading operationally relevant analytical studies.
Prior to joining ADB, Sanchita was the lead researcher for economic affairs at the ASEAN Studies Centre of ISEASYusof Ishak Institute, Singapore. She was concurrently a fellow of the Regional Economic Studies Program, coordinator of Singapore APEC Studies Centre and a co-editor of Journal of Southeast Asian Economies (JSEAE), all housed under the same institute. Sanchita has published in international journals including the Singapore Economic Review, Journal of World Trade and Asia Pacific Economic Literature, authored/edited books and book chapters, and wrote for media. Sanchita earned her PhD in international political economy from Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, and her masters in economics and business management from the University of Delhi and the National University of Singapore, respectively.
Panel Presentation and Discussion:H.E. Sim Sokheng Secretary of State, Ministry of Commerce, CambodiaBio PresentationH.E. Sim Sokheng is currently the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Commerce. He began his government career at the Ministry of Commerce in mid 1998. He has served at the Ministry of Commerce’s management level since 2003, initially as Deputy Head of Division, then in 2008 as Deputy Director of Department of Intellectual Property, followed by the role as Acting Director of Department of International Cooperation in 2012. In January 2015, he was appointed as Director of the Department of Intellectual Property and became the President of the Secretariat of National Committee for Intellectual Property Rights of Cambodia. In May 2016, he was appointed as Director-General for International Trade, and further appointed as Under-Secretary of State of the Ministry of Commerce in November 2018. Since June 2020, he has been appointed as the Secretary of State.
He has been the chief negotiator for regional and bilateral FTAs. He used to be the SEOM Lead for Cambodia, handling trade related affairs under the framework of ASEAN and ASEAN partners, Member of Inter-Ministerial Committee to update the Cambodia Trade Integration Strategy 2013-2018 and 2019-2023, as well as drafting and amending Laws and regulations respectively.
Besides the government working hours, he has taught Intellectual Property Law from mid 2009 to 2016 at the Royal University of Law ad Economics, the Pannasastra University of Cambodia, and has lectured Trade Negotiation Course at the Department of International Studies of the Royal University of Phnom Penh in 2020.
He holds a Master of Laws from Kyushu University, Japan, a Master of Business Administration from the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, a Bachelor of Laws from the Royal University of Law and Economics, and a Bachelor of Business Administration from the National University of Management, Phnom Penh.
Fukunari Kimura Chief Economist, ERIABio PresentationFukunari Kimura has been Chief Economist, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Jakarta, Indonesia since 2008 and Professor, Faculty of Economics, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan since 2000. He received his Bachelor of Laws from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo in 1982 and M.S. and Ph.D. from the Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1990 and 1991. He worked for the Department of Economics, State University of New York at Albany as Assistant Professor in 1991–1994, and the Faculty of Economics, Keio University as Associate Professor in 1994–2000. He served as President, Japan Society of International Economics in 2010–2012, Representative Director, Tokyo Center for Economic Research in 2012–2014, and Dean, Graduate School of Economics, Keio University in 2015–2017. He majors in international trade and development economics. He has been active in academic/semi-academic writing on production networks, economic integration, and the digital economy in East Asia.
Alfredo Perdiguero Director, SERC, ADBBio PresentationAlfredo Perdiguero is the Director of the Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division in the Southeast Asia Department of Asian Development Bank. He has worked in Southeast Asia for the last 20 years and has broad exposure, deep knowledge and extensive work with ADB on regional cooperation and integration issues in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA), and the Indonesia-MalaysiaThailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT), and the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). Mr. Perdiguero also acts as the administrator of the ASEAN Infrastructure Fund, the largest initiative of the ASEAN in its history based on the member countries’ funding contributions.
Prior to joining ADB, Mr. Perdiguero was an economist in the European Union Delegation in South Africa. He also worked as a trade specialist in the Spanish Embassy in Egypt and in several NGOs in Latin America. He has been a Lecturer in Universities in Madrid, Spain and the Ateneo Graduate School of European Studies, Manila, Philippines. His career spans the private sector, the government and the academe.
Mix of questions based on the findings of the report and independent questions12:15–12:25 Q&AOfficial announcement of the launch of the report12:25–12:30 Photo session12:30–13:30 Lunch Break
Session 1: Trade in Goods, Rules of Origin (ROO), and Trade Facilitation
- Moderator:Pramila A. Crivelli Economist, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division, ERCD, ADBBio
Pramila Crivelli is an Economist in the Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Her main fields of specialization are applied econometrics in international trade policy, regional trade agreements, trade negotiations, rules or origin, non-tariff measures and geographical indications. At ADB, her portfolio also covers APEC and regional public goods.
Prior to joining ADB in November 2020, she was an Assistant Professor at the Goethe University Frankfurt leading the Chair of International Trade. Her work has been published in academic peer reviewed journals including the Journal of International Economics and the World Economy.
She received her PhD from the University of Geneva, Switzerland. She accumulated extensive experience in applied economic policy and technical cooperation serving as an Economic Affairs Officer at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, researching at the European University Institute and the World Trade Organization, and carrying out consultancies for various clients in Asia and Africa. She has a strong expertise in delivering capacity building and advisory services to governments, public and private institutions, and trade negotiators in multilateral and regional fora.
13:30–13:35 Introduction of speakers and panelists13:35–14:05 Lead PresentationsJamie Thompson Principal Policy Analyst, New Zealand CustomsBio PresentationJamie Thompson is currently a Principal Policy Analyst in the New Zealand Customs Service Trade Policy team. His current role is as a negotiator for the Customs related chapters in New Zealand Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). Most recently, he has been lead negotiator for the Rules of Origin (RoO) chapter in the New Zealand / United Kingdom FTA, and the RoO and Customs Procedures chapters in the RCEP agreement and the upgrade of the [People’s Republic of] China/New Zealand FTA. During his 18 year career in Customs, Jamie has undertaken a range of different roles including project managing the introduction of automated passenger processing into New Zealand airports, co-development and facilitation of a leadership development programme for Pacific Islands customs agencies and, as Manager of the National Training Unit, sponsoring the introduction of e-learning into the Customs’ training framework. In addition, Jamie has been seconded to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to provide thought leadership and draft New Zealand’s first ever National Maritime Security Strategy, and to Massey University to establish and implement the joint venture Customs/Massey University security studies programme.
Jamie has a Masters in Security Studies from Massey University and a Bachelor in Arts from Victoria University (majoring in Political Science, Philosophy and History) and is a graduate of the Advanced Command and Staff Course (Joint) from the New Zealand Defence Force Command and Staff College. Jamie is also a World Customs Organisation accredited diagnostic assessor.
Stefano Inama Chief of Technical Assistance and Enhanced Integrated Framework, UNCTADBio PresentationStefano Inama is a Chief, Technical Assistance, Trade and Customs in the Division on African and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), UNCTAD Geneva, Switzerland.
Mr. Inama possess over 30 years of experience on trade and customs issues matured advising Governments and private sector. He has designed and managed research and traderelated capacity building programs in Asia, Africa and Latin America, with a focus on trade laws and policy, regulatory and institutional trade issues with a specialization on rules of origin and market access. He has written extensively on these subjects as well as on related industrial policy questions.
He is the author of one of the most comprehensive analytical books on rules of origin (Rules of origin in International Trade, Cambridge University Press, 2009,forthcoming edition 2022) and has co-authored ASEAN rules of origin :a way forward and The foundations of the ASEAN Economic Community, Cambridge University Press 2015.
Mr. Inama has been representing UNCTAD during the negotiations in the Technical Committee on Rules of Origin (TCRO) established at the World Customs Organizations and most recently at the Working group on the revision of annex K of the Kyoto convention.
Mr Inama holds Masters and LLM degrees from the University of Bologna and College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium. He is member of the faculty of the ASEAN integration through at Center of International Law of Singapore and has been Visiting Lecturer at the Columbia University, the World Trade Institute, Master in International Law and Economics, M.I.L.E. and at IELPO International Economic law and Policy.
14:05–14:55 Panel Presentations and discussionTham Siew Yean Professor Emeritus, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)Bio PresentationTham Siew Yean is Visiting Senior Fellow at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute and Professor Emeritus, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She was formerly Director and Professor of International Trade at Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Her research interests cover trade in goods and services as well as foreign direct investment (FDI). She has a PhD in Economics from University of Rochester, USA.
Kit Hickey Group Customs Manager, Fonterra Cooperative Group, LtdBio PresentationKit Hickey is Fonterra Cooperative Group Customs Manager. Providing specialist customs advice to Fonterra’s manufacturing & trading activities, business methodologies and strategic direction. This involves regular interaction with border agencies on goods clearance matters, secure supply chains, post entry audits, disclosures & appeals, and implementation of trade agreements & market access. Other activities include developing and delivering in-house training on classification, preferential rules of origin and valuation and conducting performance reviews of logistics and external service providers including customs brokers.
Kit represents Fonterra at the World Customs Organization’s Private Sector Consultative Group and is currently providing private sector input on rules of origin to the WCO review of the Revised Kyoto Convention.
New Zealand Customs Service, during Kit’s time with customs, he conducted audits of importers, exporters, and excise, and as a member of the Technical Group provided classification, valuation & origin advice.
Kit was a member of the Trade Policy Group involved in policy development of Trade Single Window and a trade negotiator for Rules of Origin/Operational Procedures of trade agreements and directly participated in and/or lead - Thailand/New Zealand CEP, Malaysia/New Zealand FTA & ASEAN/Australia/New Zealand FTA. Kit was the customs delegate to APEC and STAR for three years. 23 years in the military in New Zealand, Oman and SaudiArabia.
Meng Yew Wong Partner, Deloitte SingaporeBio PresentationWong Meng Yew is a Partner in the Deloitte Singapore office and is the leader of the Global Trade Advisory practice in Southeast Asia (SEA). He regularly advises clients in navigating investments into SEA from a market access perspective involving movement of goods, services, and investments. Such advice includes cross-border supply chain strategies from a legal, regulatory, tax, and trade perspective.
Prior to joining Deloitte, Meng Yew practiced law for more than a decade serving as a partner at an international law firm advising clients on international trade, customs matters, export controls, and sanctions compliance. This includes representing clients in disputes with both tax/customs authorities.
14:55–15:05 Question and Answer15:05–15:07 Photo Session15:07–15:15 Break
Session 2: Trade in Services and Investment
- Moderator:Jong Woo Kang Principal Economist, ERCI, ADBBio
Jong Woo Kang is Principal Economist at the Economic Research and Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He is a seasoned economist with extensive knowledge and experiences on policy and strategic issues. He was senior advisor to the managing director general of ADB and senior economist at Strategy and Policy Department at ADB. He leads the annual publication of Asian Economic Integration Report. Areas of his research interest include regional integration, inclusive growth, macroeconomic and international trade policies, and aid effectiveness. He has published research articles in academic journals such as Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Applied Economics, and Journal of World Trade, and wrote numerous blogs and opinion articles on global macroeconomy and international trade and finance. Before joining ADB, he was director at Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Republic of Korea. He had got his BA in economics and MA in public administration from Seoul National University, and PhD in economics from University of Washington.
15:15–15:20 Introduction of the speakers and panelists15:20–15:45 Lead PresentationsWitada Anukoonwattaka Economic Affairs Officer, Trade, Investment, and Innovation Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)Bio PresentationWitada Anukoonwattaka, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, Trade Policy and Facilitation Section of the Trade and Investment Division in United Nations ESCAP. She has been leading the ESCAP-OECD initiative on Asia-Pacific digital trade regulatory analysis, and being an important driver of various knowledge products and tools of ESCAP supporting evidence-based policymaking for digital and sustainable regional integration, including RIVA (Regional Integration and Value Chain Analyzer), RDTII (Regional Digital Trade Integration Index), and DigiSRII (Digital and Sustainable Regional Integration Index). Her research focuses on AsiaPacific trade and investment policies, global value chains, regional integration, digital trade policies, and interfaces between those and SDGs. She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Melbourne, Australia. Email:
15:45–16:30 Panel Presentations and DiscussionPiti Srisangnam Director, ASEAN Studies Center, Chulalongkorn UniversityBio PresentationAssociate Professor Dr. Piti Srisangnam Director, ASEAN Studies Center, Chulalongkorn University Assistant Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University
2019 Royal Thai Government Scholarships Association Award: Rising Star 2021 Dongfang Scholars. Peking University. [People’s Republic of] China.
Dr. Piti Srisangnam holds a Ph.D. degree in Economics from the University of Melbourne (Australia), and an M.A. degree in International Economics and Finance from Chulalongkorn University (Thailand). He has been teaching International Economics and Microeconomics for bachelor and master degree students at Chulalongkorn University since 2002.
He has been Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the Centre for European Studies from 2010 to 2012 and Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the ASEAN Studies Center in 2012, both at Chulalongkorn University, before he became Director of the Center in 2013.
Manjiao Chi Professor and Founding Director, Center for International Economic Law and Policy, School of Law, University of International Business and EconomicsBio PresentationManjiao Chi, Professor and Founding Director, Center for International Economic Law and Policy, School of Law, University of International Business and Economics, [People’s Republic of] China. His research focuses on international economic law and policy, dispute settlement, and sustainable development. Author of numerous books and articles, frequent speaker in international conferences, visiting professor of leading law schools in Europe, Asia and America, and consultant for various international organizations. Lectured in the Hague Academy of International Law, and invited by the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law. Deputy Chair of UNCITRAL Academic Forum on ISDS, Co-chair of American Society of International Law Asia Pacific Interest Group, Standing Committee Member of Chinese Society of International Law, and Founding Editor of Asian Yearbook of International Economic Law (Springer). A paneled arbitrator of many leading Chinese and foreign arbitration institutions, with rich experiences of international commercial, investment and WTO dispute settlement, treaty negotiations and policymaking. He holds BA, LLM, and Ph.D. in law degrees.
Nongchith Khambounheuang Director, Trade in Services Division, Department of Foreign Trade Policy, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Lao PDRBio PresentationNongchith Khambounheuang is the Director of Trade in Services Division Department of Foreign Trade Policy Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MoIC). Hold a master’s degree in economics with specialization in international trade. More than 9 years professional experience in all aspects of trade policy, including trade policy formulation and implementation; trade and foreign investment regulations; participation in the WTO trading system; multilateral, regional and bilateral trade negotiations; implementation of trade agreements. 8-year experience in advising public entities and private firms on domestic and international trade and investment regulations; ASEAN/WTO rules; multilateral (GATS) and bilateral/regional trade in services negotiations; international investment law; advice to businesses on trade and investment rules especially in the service sector.
Over 10 years professional experience in trade in services, and service sector regulations and development gained as a trade negotiator. Familiarity with the regulatory environment for businesses in Southeast Asian economies gained through numerous technical assistance assignments in home country, which related to regulatory review of the service sector and investment regulations.
Joined Ministry of Industry and Commerce in 2007. Department of Foreign Trade Policy - Deputy Director, ASEAN Economic Division 2007–2009; Director, Trade in Services Division 2010–2018 and Head of trade and Investment Unit, ASEAN-Korea Centre 2018–2021.
He holds a bachelor degree Majoring in English from Lao National University and his Master of Economics in International Trade from Hunan University, [People’s Republic of] China.
16:30–16:40 Question and Answer16:40–16:42 Photo Session16:42–16:45 Closing
Session 3: Cross-cutting Issues on E-Commerce and Digital Economy, Intellectual Property, and MSME Development
- Moderator:Rupa Chanda Director, Trade, Investment and Innovation Division, UNESCAPBio
Rupa Chanda is currently the Director of Trade, Investment and Innovation at UNESCAP., Bangkok She is on leave from the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore where she has been a Professor of Economics for over 25 years. She has earlier worked as an Economist at the IMF and also briefly served as Head, UNESCAP Subregional Office for South and South-West Asia in New Delhi. Prof. Chanda received her PhD in Economics from Columbia University and her Bachelor’s from Harvard University. She taught Macroeconomics and International Trade at IIM Bangalore and has received teaching awards. Her research interests include the WTO, trade in services, regional integration and migration. She has undertaken research and professional assignments for international and Indian organizations and has published extensively in the form of books, journal articles, book chapters, and reports. She is active professionally as a research guide, reviewer, and has been a member of several government and industry expert committees in India. She was member of the WHO’s Review Committee on the functioning of the International Health Regulations (2015–16) and the WHO’s Expert Advisory Group, International Recruitment of Health Personnel (2019–20).
13:30–13:35 Introduction of speakers and panelists13:35–14:00 Lead PresentationsHideyasu Tamura Senior Director, Economic Partnership and Regional Integration, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, JapanBio PresentationHideyasu Tamura has been serving as Senior Director for Economic Partnership & Regional Integration at the Trade Policy Bureau of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) since July 2018. He leads METI’s international policy operations especially those related to Asia Pacific region, including FTA negotiations (e.g., Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), [People’s Republic of] China-Japan-Korea Trilateral FTA, and Japan-United States Trade Agreement) and planning/coordination for regional cooperation frameworks such as East Asia Summit (EAS).
Joining the Ministry in 2000, Mr. Tamura has mainly taken charge of various international policy areas, including climate change negotiation (Principal Deputy Director at Environmental Policy Division), establishment of Global Forum on Excess Capacity on Steel (Principal Deputy Director at Metal Industries Division) and trade negotiations (several divisions at Trade Policy Bureau). Also, he served as Special Advisor to the Minister for Asia and Chief Representative for AEM-METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation (AMEICC) Secretariat at the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) office in Bangkok, Thailand (2009–2012).
After engaging in various international economic policy affairs, Mr. Tamura has engaged in Fukushima Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, as Director for Planning and Coordination at Fukushima Reconstruction Promotion Group attached to Minister’s Secretariat (2016–2018).
Mr. Tamura is a graduate of the Economics Department at the University of Tokyo (2000). He also studied in the United States, earning a Master of Arts in Law & Diplomacy (MALD) degree at Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Tufts University (2006).
Henry Gao Associate Professor of Law, Singapore Management University (SMU)Bio PresentationHenry Gao is a senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and a law professor at Singapore Management University. With law degrees from three continents, he started his career as the first Chinese lawyer at the WTO Secretariat. As a leading expert on digital trade and e-commerce issues, he has been an advisor on digital trade issues for many national governments as well as the WTO, UN, World Bank, ADB, APEC, ASEAN and the World Economic Forum. Widely published on digital trade issues, he has been cited in the World Trade Report by the WTO and the Digital Economy Report by UNCTAD. He sits on the Advisory Board of the WTO Chairs Program, which was established by the WTO Secretariat in 2009 to promote research and teaching on WTO issues in leading universities around the world. He is also a member of editorial boards of the Journal of International Economic Law and Journal of Financial Regulation, both published by Oxford University Press. He’s currently working on issues relating to digital trade, [People’s Republic of] China and WTO, and WTO reform. His most recent work is a paper analyzing [People’s Republic of] China’s changing perspectives on the WTO, which was quoted as an “invaluable” paper by the Financial Times in its feature article on [People’s Republic of] China’s 20th anniversary in the WTO.
14:00–14:45 Panel Presentations and DiscussionCarrie Suen Senior Advisor, International Public Policy and Government Affairs, Ant GroupBioCarrie Suen is the Senior Advisor at Ant Group, where she is responsible to drive our global policy objectives and though leadership of Ant’s international key businesses to bring more inclusive, green and sustainable changes to the ecosystem.
Carrie is a seasoned lawyer and has experience in wide range of subject matters ranging from fintech regulatory, corporate governance, M&A, equity offerings to listed companies’ compliance. Since joining Ant in 2014, Carrie has been at the forefront of the global digital payment and regulatory development, where she accumulated practical insight of the market pain points. Carrie has been involved in regular direct communications and dialogues with regulators/government and international organizations such as the WEF, to help shape the policy landscape globally. Under her leadership, Ant’s International Legal team grew fourfold from 2017-2020, supporting over 100 markets/regions.
Carrie is currently a member of the sub-committees of the Singapore Fintech Association, to drive a more friendly environment for the Cyber Risk and Regtech ecosystem in Singapore and the region. She is also a member of the advisory board of the Emerging Payments Association Asia which strives to be the industry voice of the financial and Fintech players on emerging trends and issues in Asia Pacific region.
Alpana Roy Singapore’s Senior Economic Official and Director (ASEAN), Ministry of Trade, SingaporeBioAlpana Roy Director, ASEAN (Trade Division), Ministry of Trade and Industry, Singapore. Ms. Alpana Roy oversees the ASEAN Division in the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and is Singapore’s Senior Economic Official to ASEAN.
At MTI, she is responsible for advancing ASEAN’s economic integration, and ASEAN’s ties with external partners, including the various ASEAN-related Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) where she has served as Chief Negotiator (CN) and Deputy CN. These include ASEAN’s FTAs with Australia and New Zealand; Canada; [People’s Republic of] China; Hong Kong, China; India; Japan; Republic of Korea and the Regional Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement.
Alpana’s prior appointments include advancing Singapore’s economic relations with the Americas, Southeast Asian countries, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and serving as Counsellor (Economic) at the Embassy of Singapore in Washington D C. She was also involved in Singapore’s FTAs with the United States, Panama, Peru, Costa Rica and the TransPacific Strategic Economic Partnership (P4). Prior to this, Alpana served in Singapore’s national trade promotion agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Alpana was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) National Day Award in 2018. She obtained her degree in Political Science (Honours) from the National University of Singapore in 1995, and her Masters Degree in International Public Policy from the Johns Hopkins University Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in 2013. She is married with one child.
Josef T. Yap Former President, Philippine Institute for Development StudiesBio PresentationJosef T. Yap was President of the Philippine Institute for Development Studies, where he worked for 26 years until his retirement on June 30, 2013. While at PIDS, he specialized in macroeconomic policy and applied econometrics. Dr. Yap finished his undergraduate and doctoral studies at the University of the Philippines Diliman and went to the University of Pennsylvania on a post-graduate program. In 2010, Dr. Yap was honored as one of the 100 outstanding alumni of the UP Diliman College of Engineering as part of its Centennial celebration. His current research interest centers on regional economic integration in East Asia and promoting energy security in the Philippines. Dr. Yap was the regional coordinator of the East Asian Development Network and was actively involved in the establishment of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA). He is coauthor of the books The Philippine Economy: East Asia’s Stray Cat? Structure, Finance and Adjustment and Lessons from Nationalist Struggle: The Life of Emmanuel Quiason Yap. From 2019 – 2022, Dr. Yap was Senior Technical Advisor to the ASEP-CELLs Project (Access to Sustainable Energy Program, Clean Energy Living Laboratories) which was implemented under the auspices of the European Union and the Ateneo School of Government.
Manh-Hung Tran Managing Lawyer, Baker McKenzieBio PresentationManh-Hung Tran is the practice group leader of the Intellectual Property (IP) and Technology Practice Groups of Baker McKenzie Vietnam offices. For years, he has been constantly ranked as a leading IP lawyer by numerous researchers such as Chambers Global and Chambers Asia. He regularly writes articles concerning pressing legal issues in both English and Vietnamese, and his works have been published regularly in various reputable publications. He has assisted the government in reviewing and revising the IP Law, the IP provisions under the country’s criminal code, the draft e-Transaction Law, and the first draft Personal Data Protection Decree, etc. While Hung’s practices run the full gamut of IP work, he also specializes in the Telecommunications, Media, and Technology (TMT) practice, advising multinational corporations on data privacy, monetization, product reviews, AdTech, regulatory and user rights, cybersecurity, ecommerce, offshore social media, digital services, data breach and incidents, and other emerging technologies. He has been assisting international film studios and streaming clients with various film and TV series productions in Vietnam.
14:45–14:55 Question and Answer14:55–14:57 Photo Session14:57–15:05 Break
Session 4: RCEP Implementation, Lessons Learned and Way Forward
- Moderator:Ronald Antonio Q. Butiong Chief, RCI TG, SDCC, ADBBio
Ronald Antonio Butiong oversees and coordinates ADB’s overall regional cooperation and integration (RCI) operations by providing relevant strategic and technical advice. He develops and maintains thematic policies, strategies, operational plans, and directional papers to guide bankwide regional cooperation and integration work and ensures alignment with ADB’s Strategy 2030.
Mr. Butiong has over 25 years of professional experience working on regional cooperation and integration and country programming. He joined ADB in February 2004 as a Programs Specialist - Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) in the former Mekong Department. He progressed to Senior Regional Cooperation Specialist and GMS Unit Head, Southeast Asia Department (SERD) in June 2008, and in February 2010, transferred to the Central and West Asia Department (CWRD) to head the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Unit. He was promoted to IS6 in CWRD in December 2010, and in October 2012, he was transferred to South Asia Department (SARD) to head the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Unit. In April 2016, he was promoted to the position of Director of the Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division (SARC), SARD.
Mr. Butiong was a consultant responsible for various technical assistance projects promoting subregional cooperation in ADB’s developing member countries. He was Assistant Vice President and Head of Investments of the Trust Banking Group of the erstwhile Far East Bank and Trust Company (FEBTC) in the Philippines.
Mr. Butiong holds a Master’s degree in Mathematics from Louisiana State University, United States, and graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics from De La Salle University, Philippines in 1985. He also holds a Certificate in FEBTC-Executive Development Program from the Asian Institute of Management, Philippines.
15:05–15:10 Introduction of speakers and panelists15:10–15:35 Lead PresentationsLuong Hoang Thai Director of the Multilateral Trade Policy Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Viet NamBio PresentationLuong Hoang Thai is currently the Director General of Multilateral Trade Policy Department - Ministry of Industry and Trade. In addition to managing the department, Thai represent Vietnam at ASEAN Senior Economic Officials Meetings (SEOM) and APEC Senior Officials Meetings (SOM). He was also deeply involved in negotiations of ASEAN FTAs, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP), the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) and the Vietnam-European Union Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).
In 1995, he graduated from Foreign Trade University. In 2002, he graduated with a master’s degree of the international business master’s program from Lancaster University, UK.
He is an expert in the field of international trade policy.
15:35–16:20 Panel DiscussionAnna Maria Rosario Diaz-Robeniol Senior Advisor for ASEAN Economic Community and RCEP, The ASEAN SecretariatBioAnna Maria Rosario Diaz-Robeniol is currently a Special Advisor to the Secretary-General of ASEAN and the Deputy Secretary-General for the ASEAN Economic Community. Prior to this, she was the Director of the Market Integration Directorate under the ASEAN Economic Community Department of the ASEAN Secretariat and, even prior, the Head of the External Economic Relations Division of the ASEAN Secretariat. Before rejoining the ASEAN Secretariat in 2018, Anna was the Assistant Secretary for Trade Policy and Negotiations at the Department of Trade and Industry, Philippines (2016-2018). During her tenure as Assistant Secretary, Anna was the Philippines’ chief negotiator for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and other trade negotiations involving the Philippines. She was the country’s Senior Economic Officials Meeting (SEOM) lead and chaired the said meeting during the Philippines’ chairmanship of ASEAN in 2017. She likewise coChaired the Joint Committee for the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.
All in all, Anna spent almost 15 years as an ASEAN Secretariat officer, during which she facilitated the completion of negotiations and signing of all the ASEAN Free Trade and Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreements, including the RCEP Agreement signed in 2020. Anna represented the ASEAN Secretariat in various regional and international forums and led the ASEAN Secretariat team in supporting the implementation of ASEAN FTAs.
Anna has vast experience in trade policy and negotiations. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Economics degree from the University of Santo Tomas in Manila and has a Post-Graduate Diploma in International Relations and Development from the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague. She has a Master’s degree in Public Management, which she obtained as a Lee Kuan Yew Fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, and the Harvard Kennedy School at the Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Anthony Robert Gill OIC, Cambodia Resident Mission, ADBBio PresentationAnthony Robert Gill heads the Portfolio Administration Unit at ADB’s Cambodia Resident Mission. Before moving to Cambodia, Anthony was most recently a member of the Greater Mekong Subregion’s Economic Program Secretariat, Head of Portfolio Administration for ADB’s resident mission in Indonesia as well as the Head of Country Programming there. Prior to working in South East Asia, Anthony was the Head of Programming and Country Economist for Palau and the Federated States of Micronesia. Anthony has over 25 years’ experience as development professional in both multi-lateral and bi-lateral development organizations as well as a consultant. He has a Master of Environmental Management & Development from the Australian National University. Anthony was a Peace Monitor during the civil strife in Bougainville in 2001, for which he was awarded the Australian Service Medal. He also is a recipient of the AusAID Australia Day Medal.
Pramila A. Crivelli Economist, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division, ERCD, ADBBio PresentationPramila Crivelli is an Economist in the Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Her main fields of specialization are applied econometrics in international trade policy, regional trade agreements, trade negotiations, rules or origin, non-tariff measures and geographical indications. At ADB, her portfolio also covers APEC and regional public goods.
Prior to joining ADB in November 2020, she was an Assistant Professor at the Goethe University Frankfurt leading the Chair of International Trade. Her work has been published in academic peer reviewed journals including the Journal of International Economics and the World Economy.
She received her PhD from the University of Geneva, Switzerland. She accumulated extensive experience in applied economic policy and technical cooperation serving as an Economic Affairs Officer at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, researching at the European University Institute and the World Trade Organization, and carrying out consultancies for various clients in Asia and Africa. She has a strong expertise in delivering capacity building and advisory services to governments, public and private institutions, and trade negotiators in multilateral and regional fora.
16:20–16:30 Question and Answer16:30–16:32 Photo Session16:32–16:35 Closing RemarksCyn-Young Park Director, ERCI, ERCD, ADBBioCyn-Young Park is Director of Regional Cooperation and Integration in the Economics Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). During her progressive career within ADB, she has been a main author and contributor to ADB’s major publications including Asian Development Outlook (ADB’s flagship publication), Asia Capital Markets Monitor, Asia Economic Monitor, Asia Bond Monitor, and ADB Country Diagnostic Study Series. She has also participated in various global and regional forums including the G20 Development Working Group, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), ASEAN+3, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). She has written and lectured extensively about the Asian economy and financial markets. Her work has been published in peer reviewed academic journals including the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Futures Markets, the Review of Income and Wealth, and the World Economy.
Prior to joining the ADB, she served as Economist (1999-2002) at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), where she contributed to the OECD Economic Outlook. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Economics from Seoul National University.