Trade and Investment
Thailand-Chile Free Trade Agreement
(Thailand-Chile FTA)
Signed and In Effect
Notified to the WTO
Notified to the WTO
- Chile
- Thailand
Relevant Dates
- Signed and In Effect
2015-11-05 - Signed but not yet In Effect
2013-10-04 - Negotiations launched
2011-04-11 - Proposed/Under consultation and study
2006-03-10 - Notified to the WTO
GATT 2017-09-12 GATSV 2017-09-12
- FTA between Chile and Thailand comes into forceFresh Plaza9 Nov 2015
- FTA between Chile and Thailand comes into forceFresh Plaza9 Nov 2015
Studies and Research
- Chile-Thailand Joint Study Group on the feasibility of an FTADepartment of Trade Negotiations - Thailand1 Jul 2006