Money and Finance

ASEAN+3 Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI)

The Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI) was launched in December 2002 and promoted in August 2003 by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Japan, and the Republic of Korea—collectively known as ASEAN+3—to develop local currency (LCY) bond markets as an alternative source of funding to foreign-currencydenominated bank loans to minimize the currency and maturity mismatches that had made the region vulnerable to the sudden reversal of capital inflows. Policy makers in the ASEAN+3 region have also aimed to promote regional financial cooperation and integration under ABMI.


The AsianBondsOnline (ABO) was launched on May 2004 to support the ABMI. Funded by Japan's Ministry of Finance, through the Investment Climate Facilitation Fund, it is a one-stop clearinghouse of information on sovereign and corporate bonds. It presents both regional and market-specific information in a structured format, giving market participants and potential investors a clear perspective of the current market. Government and private sector initiatives to enhance market depth and liquidity are also detailed.



Opinions and Editorials


  • Asian Bond Market Initiative (ABMI) Task Force
    Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat
    8 Mar 2011