Regional Public Goods

Global Environment Facility - Coral Triangle Initiative

The Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI), a regional effort to preserve and manage the region’s marine resources, was launched in 2007. The Global Environment Facility...

... (GEF) Council has pledged grants of up to $65 million for CTI-related projects. ADB serves as the lead GEF agency to organize the program and mobilize resources from a range of partners, which will support conservation, policy development and institutional strengthening efforts under the CTI. ADB is working with Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste—the six countries that make up the coral triangle—as well as the governments of the United States (US) and Australia and environmental groups such as World Wide Fund for Nature, The Nature Conservancy and Conservation International. The coral triangle contains the highest marine biodiversity in the world. The CTI includes preserving the region’s coastal and marine ecosystems and developing measures to help the system adapt to climate change. The GEF contribution aims to catalyze at least $425 million of co-financing for CTI.

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