- Market-specific and currency-specific risk during the global financial crisis: evidence from the interbank markets in Tokyo and LondonNational Bureau of Economic ResearchFukuda, Shin-ichi1 Apr 2011
- Examination of the Singapore shift in Japan's foreign direct investment in services in ASEAN Asian Development Bank InstituteHamanaka, Shintaro1 Mar 2011
- The impact of fiscal consolidation and structural reforms on growth in JapanInternational Monetary FundBerkmen, S. Pelin1 Jan 2011
- Japan’s quest for growth: exploring the role of capital and innovationInternational Monetary FundSyed, Murtaza and Jinsook Lee1 Dec 2010
- The consumption response to seasonal income: evidence from Japanese public pension benefitsNational Bureau of Economic ResearchStephens, Melvin Jr. and Takashi Unayama1 Sep 2010
- Developing Asia's competitive advantage in green products: learning from the Japanese experience Asian Development Bank InstituteIino, Fukuya and Alva Lim1 Jul 2010
- Lessons from Japan's banking crisis, 1991–2005 Asian Development Bank InstituteFujii, Mariko and Masahiro Kawai1 Jun 2010
- Managing the exit: lessons from Japan's reversal of unconventional monetary policyInternational Monetary FundYamaoka, Hiromi and Murtaza H. Syed1 May 2010
- The yuan's exchange rates and pass-through effects on the prices of Japanese and US imports Asian Development Bank InstituteXing, Yuqing1 May 2010
- Public investment as a fiscal stimulus: evidence from Japan's regional spending during the 1990sInternational Monetary FundBruckner, Markus and Anita Tuladhar1 Apr 2010