Republic of Korea
- Reforming Korea`s industrial conglomeratesPeterson Institute for International EconomicsGraham, Edward M.1 Jan 2003
- Korea, China and Japan: their trade with the world and its impact on new Asian regionalism ASEAN+3University of WollongongVan Hoa, T.1 Dec 2002
- Korean SMEs in the wake of the financial crisis: strategies, constraints and performance in a global economyUniversity of WollongongGregory, Gary, Charles Harvie, and Hyun-Hoon Lee1 Dec 2002
- ICT diffusion and skill upgrading in Korean industriesUnited Nations UniversityHur, Jai-Joon, Hwan-Joo Seo, and Young Soo Lee1 Nov 2002
- Long-term performance of the corporate groups: governance structure and investment behavior in the Korean chaebolsInstitute of Economic Research, Seoul National UniversityLee, Keun, Keunkwan Ryu and Jungmo Yoon1 Nov 2002
- Bank loans to micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized business and poor households in the Republic of KoreaUnited Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the PacificKang, Moon-Soo23 Oct 2002
- Institutional transition and transition cost: assessing the post-1997 corporate reform in South KoreaDepartment of Economics, National University of SingaporeShin, Jang-Sup and Ha-Joon Chang21 Jul 2002
- Intra-industry foreign direct investment and intra-industry trade in KoreaAustralian National UniversitySeo, Jung-Soo, Kang Jong-Soon, and Deok-Ki Kim1 Jul 2002
- A dynamic analysis of a Korea-Japan Free Trade Area: simulations with the G-cubed Asia-Pacific modelKorea Institute for International Economic PolicyMcKibbin, Warwick J., Jong-Wha Lee and Inkyo Cheong1 Jul 2002
- A practical guide to managing systemic financial crises: a review of approaches taken in Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, and ThailandWorld BankScott, David30 May 2002