(Research, Working, and Discussion papers)
- Impacts of COVID-19 on International Trade: Evidence from the First Quarter of 2020Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)K. Hayakawa and H. MukunokiJune 2020
- East Asia decouples from the United States: Trade war, COVID-19, and East Asia's new trade blocsPeterson Institute for International EconomicsP.A. Petri and M.G. PlummerJune 2020
- Connecting Cambodia’s SMEs to Regional Value Chains: The “Bridging Gap” and “Missing Link”Asian Development Bank InstituteSok et al.June 2020
- Impacts of COVID-19 on International Trade: Evidence from the First Quarter of 2020Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)K. Hayakawa and H. MukunokiJune 2020
- Determinants of Export Performance of SMEs in the Kyrgyz RepublicAsian Development Bank InstituteK. KarymshakovJune 2020
- Impact of Global Value Chains on Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Sri Lanka: Evidence from Sri LankaAsian Development Bank InstituteN.P.R. Deyshappriya and B.C.H. MaduwanthiJune 2020
- What Matters for the GVC Entry and Exit of Manufacturing SMEs in the Philippines?Asian Development Bank InstituteA.R. MendozaJune 2020
- The Impact of Involvement in the Global Value Chain on Coffee Farmers in Indonesia: Case Study of Margamulya Coffee Producer Cooperative and Mitra Malabar Cooperative, Bandung, IndonesiaAsian Development Bank InstituteA. Rifin and D. NaulyJune 2020
- Determinants of Regional Trade Agreement Utilization: Evidence from Multiple Import Countries in AsiaInstitute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)K. Chang et al.June 2020
- E-commerce Provisions in RTAs: Implications for Negotiations and Capacity BuildingUnited Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the PacificG. O. PasadillaJune 2020