(Research, Working, and Discussion papers)
- Determinants of Regional Trade Agreement Utilization: Evidence from Multiple Import Countries in AsiaInstitute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)K. Chang et al.June 2020
- E-commerce Provisions in RTAs: Implications for Negotiations and Capacity BuildingUnited Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the PacificG. O. PasadillaJune 2020
- Making Trade Agreements Work for Gender Equality - Data and StatisticsUnited Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentUnited Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentJune 2020
- Applied Services Trade Policy: A Guide to the Services Trade Policy Database and the Services Trade Restrictions IndexWorld BankI. Borchert et al.June 2020
- The Evolution of Services Trade Policy Since the Great RecessionWorld BankBorchert et al.June 2020
- Fintech and Payments Regulation: Analytical FrameworkInternational Monetary FundT. Khiaonarong and T. GohMay 2020
- Assessing ASEAN Economic Policy Responses in a PandemicAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) SecretariatM. Zulkhibri and J.B. SinayMay 2020
- Trade in Services in the Context of COVID-19World Trade OrganizationWorld Trade OrganizationMay 2020
- Current GVC Structure and Strategies to Upgrade [Republic of] Korea's Production Network in ASEAN and IndiaKorea Institute for International Economic PolicyY.S. Jeong et al.May 19 2020
- Global Merchandise Trade NowcastUnited Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentUnited Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentMay 2020