(Research, Working, and Discussion papers)
- ASEAN Financial Integration: Opportunities, Risks, and ChallengesMinistry of Finance - JapanA. RilloSeptember 2018
- Fiscal Challenges to Financing Social Protection to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: A Case of Three CountriesAsian Development BankHandayani, Sri Wening; Carraro, Ludovico; Villarroel, Mariana Infante; Bongestabs, Andre F.September 2018
- Modeling Fiji's Tourism ArrivalsReserve Bank of FijiI. Wainiqolo and S. ShivanjaliSeptember 2018
- Georgia - Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Performance Assessment ReportWorld BankWorld BankAugust 2018
- Financial Inclusion, Regulation, and Literacy in UzbekistanAsian Development Bank InstituteM. AhunovAugust 2018
- An empirical analysis of Pakistan's bilateral trade and trade potential with [People's Rep. of] China: A gravity model approachM. S. Irshad, Q. Xin, Z. Hui, and H. ArshadJuly 2018
- An Overview of Islamic Banking and Finance in AsiaAsian Development BankA. Komijani and F. Taghizadeh-HesaryJuly 2018
- Asia's Industrial Transformation: The Role of Manufacturing and Global Value Chains (Part 2)Asian Development BankJ. FelipeJuly 2018
- Asia's Industrial Transformation: The Role of Manufacturing and Global Value Chains (Part 1) Asian Development BankJ. FelipeJuly 2018
- Gauging procyclicality and financial vulnerability in Asia through the BIS banking and financial statisticsBank for International SettlementsS. Avdjiev, B. Berger and H. S. ShinJuly 2018