(Research, Working, and Discussion papers)
- Asymmetry cointegration and the J-curve: new evidence from [Rep. of] Korean bilateral trade balance models with her 14 partnersTaylor & Francis OnlineM. Bahmani-Oskooee and J. BaekMay 2018
- Australia's Linkages with [People's Republic of] China: Prospects and Ramifications of [People's Republic of] China's Economic TransitionInternational Monetary FundP. Karam, D. MuirMay 2018
- The Eurasian Land Bridge: The Role of Service Providers in Linking the Regional Value Chains in East Asia and the European UnionEconomic Research Institute for ASEAN and East AsiaR. PomfretMay 2018
- Cross-Border Portfolio Investment and Financial Integration in Asia and the Pacific RegionAsian Development BankS. Shirai and E. A. SugandiMay 2018
- Financial Integration in East Asia and Pacific: Regional and Interregional LinkagesWorld BankR. L. Montanes and S. L. SchmuklerMay 2018
- Tajikistan Systematic Country Diagnostic: Making the National Development Strategy 2030 a Success - Building the Foundation for Shared ProsperityWorld BankWorld BankMay 2018
- Vanuatu - Health financing system assessment: spend better World BankWorld BankMay 2018
- Mission Incomplete: Reflating Japan's Economy (second edition)Asian Development Bank InstituteS. ShiraiMay 2018
- Tuvalu Diagnostic Trade Integration Study: 2010 ReportOECDUnited Nations Development ProgrammeApril 2018
- Challenges in Correspondent Banking in the Small States of the PacificInternational Monetary FundJ. Alwazir; F. Jamaludin; D. Lee ; N. Sheridan; and P. Tumbarello07 April 2018