(Research, Working, and Discussion papers)
- An Information Note About Issues with Trade Impact: Developing and Delivering COVID-19 Vaccines Around the WorldWorld Trade OrganizationWorld Trade OrganisationDecember 2020
- Transforming Trade and Development in a Fractured, Post-Pandemic WorldUnited Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentSecretary General of UNCTADDecember 2020
- Solomon Islands Wellness NCD Alliance is fighting one of the Islands most serious health challengesSecretariat of the Pacific CommunitySecretariat of the Pacific CommunityDecember 2020
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Developing Asia: The Pandemic Extends into 2021Asian Development BankA. Abiad et al.December 2020
- Coming Home: Are Remittances in the ASEAN+3 Another Victim of the Pandemic?AMROASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research OfficeDecember 2020
- Assessment of Capacity Building Needs to Support WTO Negotiation on Trade Related Aspects of E-commerceAsia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)APEC SecretariatDecember 2020
- Managing Risks in Global Value Chains: Strengthening Resilience in the APEC RegionAsia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)APEC SecretariatDecember 2020
- Exporting from [People's Republic of] China: The Determinants of Trade StatusNational Bureau of Economic ResearchR. Cooper, G. Gong, G. Hu, and P. YanDecember 2020
- Quantifying the Demand, Supply, and Welfare Effects of Natural Disasters Using Monthly Trade DataKiel Institute for World EconomicsG. Felbermayr, J. Gröschl and B. HeidDecember 2020
- Exporting from [People's Republic of] China: The Determinants of Trade StatusNational Bureau of Economic ResearchR. Cooper, G. Gong, G. Hu, and P. YanDecember 2020