3:00–4:30 pm (Manila) Platform: Microsoft Teams Meeting
COVID-19 Impacts on Gender Equality
The COVID-19 pandemic risks reversing the hard-won gains in gender equality in the Asia and Pacific region for the past 25 years. Emerging evidence on the impact to women and girls points to higher risk of dropping out of school and domestic violence, among others. This webinar, jointly organized by ADB’s Regional Cooperation and Integration Division and Gender Equity Thematic Group, explored gender equality policy opportunities through recovery responses.
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Measuring Regional Cooperation and Integration: Early Results and Extensions
26 Oct 2020 15:00–16:30
(Manila) Next Episode:
e-Conomy Southeast Asia 2020
27 Nov 2020 10:00–11:30 am
- Opening Remarks:Yasuyuki Sawada Chief Economist and Director General, ERCD, ADBBio
Yasuyuki Sawada is Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Director General of its Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department. He is chief spokesperson on economic and development trends, and leads the production of ADB’s flagship knowledge products and support for regional cooperation fora.
Before joining ADB, Mr. Sawada was Professor of Economics at the University of Tokyo, and has led numerous large-scale development policy evaluation projects for various institutions.
His key research areas are development economics, microeconometrics, economics of disasters, and field surveys and experiments. Mr. Sawada obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University.
Presentation:COVID-19 is No Excuse to Regress on Gender EqualityCyn-Young Park Director, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division, ERCD, ADBBio Paper PresentationCyn-Young Park is Director of the Regional Cooperation and Integration Division in the Economics Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the ADB. In her current capacity, she manages a team of economists to examine economic and policy issues related to regional cooperation and integration (RCI) and develop strategies and approaches to support RCI. During her progressive career with ADB, she has been a main author and contributor to ADB’s major publications including Asian Development Outlook, Asian Economic Integration Report, Asia Capital Markets Monitor, Asia Economic Monitor, Asia Bond Monitor, and ADB Country Diagnostic Study Series. She has also participated in various global and regional fora including the G20 Development Working Group, ASEAN, ASEAN+3, APEC, and Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). She has written and lectured extensively about the Asian economy and financial markets. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Financial Stability, the Journal of Futures Market, the Review of Income and Wealth, and the World Economy.
Prior to joining ADB, she served as Economist (1999-2002) at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), where she contributed to the OECD Economic Outlook. She received her PhD in Economics from Columbia University. She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Economics from Seoul National University.Responses from BISP, ILO, ICRWPanel Discussion:Moderator:Yasuyuki Sawada Chief Economist and Director General, ERCD, ADBBioYasuyuki Sawada is Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Director General of its Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department. He is chief spokesperson on economic and development trends, and leads the production of ADB’s flagship knowledge products and support for regional cooperation fora.
Before joining ADB, Mr. Sawada was Professor of Economics at the University of Tokyo, and has led numerous large-scale development policy evaluation projects for various institutions.
His key research areas are development economics, microeconometrics, economics of disasters, and field surveys and experiments. Mr. Sawada obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University.
Panelists:Noor Rehman Khan Director General (Cash Transfer), Benazir Income Support Program of the Government of PakistanBioNoor Rehman Khan is Director General (Cash Transfer) at the Benazir Income Support Program of the Government of Pakistan. He led the designing and Implementation of Ehsaas Emergency Cash Transfer Program, launched by the Government of Pakistan as a response to Covid-19. The Emergency Cash Transfer targeted 16.9 million beneficiary families and successfully disbursed approximately USD 1.2 billion.
His more than two decades experience entails devising and implementing policies and strategies for unconditional (multi-purpose and multi-sectoral) and conditional ECD cash transfer programs (primary, secondary education, nutrition, and immunization), humanitarian cash transfer interventions, with a specific focus on introducing Management Information Systems for Targeting, Payment Mechanisms, Complaint Management Systems and M&E Systems.
Joni Simpson Senior Specialist in Gender, Equality and Non-Discrimination, East and South East Asia and the Pacific, ILOBioIn her current role, Joni provides technical guidance and support to Governments, Workers’ and Employers’ Organizations (ILO Constituents) and partners on key gender equality issues, non-discrimination and women’s economic empowerment approaches. This addresses policies and programmes relating to ensuring equal opportunity, closing key gender gaps, addressing non-discrimination, women’s representation and leadership, as well as diversity inclusion. Joni has over 20 years promoting women’s entrepreneurship and leadership—and was previously ILO’s Global Coordinator & Specialist in Women’s Entrepreneurship Development and Entrepreneurship Education.
Over and above her work at the ILO, Joni has over ten years of experience in women-centred Community Economic Development and Community Credit, working on building accessible and gender-responsive programmes and policies in Entrepreneurship Development. She headed a Women’s Enterprise Center and social purpose enterprise in Canada. She holds a Master’s degree in Cultural anthropology and researched immigrant women entrepreneurs in Canada. She has served on the Expert Committee for the Global Women Entrepreneur Leaders Scorecard and as Advisor to Value for Women and the Cherie Blair Foundation.
Sharmishtha Nanda Technical Specialist, Social and Economic Development, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)BioSharmishtha is a Technical Specialist- Gender, Youth and Development at the International Center for Research on Women’s Asia office, based in New Delhi. She has more than a decade of development research experience across a range of issues in India and neighboring countries. Her recent work focuses on women’s economic empowerment and livelihoods, gender integrated life skills education for adolescent girls and school to work transition in India. She currently leads a COVID-19 Rapid Response Study to understand the impact of COVID-19 policy responses on informal women workers in India.
Prior to joining ICRW, Sharmishtha worked with Emerging Mental Health Systems in LMICs (low- and middle-income countries): EMERALD project for several years, at the Public Health Foundation of India. She has a Master’s in social work and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics.
Cyn-Young Park Director, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division, ERCD, ADBBioCyn-Young Park is Director of the Regional Cooperation and Integration Division in the Economics Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the ADB. In her current capacity, she manages a team of economists to examine economic and policy issues related to regional cooperation and integration (RCI) and develop strategies and approaches to support RCI. During her progressive career with ADB, she has been a main author and contributor to ADB’s major publications including Asian Development Outlook, Asian Economic Integration Report, Asia Capital Markets Monitor, Asia Economic Monitor, Asia Bond Monitor, and ADB Country Diagnostic Study Series. She has also participated in various global and regional fora including the G20 Development Working Group, ASEAN, ASEAN+3, APEC, and Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). She has written and lectured extensively about the Asian economy and financial markets. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Financial Stability, the Journal of Futures Market, the Review of Income and Wealth, and the World Economy.
Prior to joining ADB, she served as Economist (1999-2002) at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), where she contributed to the OECD Economic Outlook. She received her PhD in Economics from Columbia University. She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Economics from Seoul National University.Q&A and Closing Remarks