3:00–4:30pm (Manila) Platform: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Tourism Recovery Through Travel Bubbles?
The tourism sector is one of the hardest hit sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of jobs in tourism and related industries have already been lost, threatening the livelihoods of countless households in the region. The webinar discussed strategies to revive tourism amid the pandemic. In particular, it explored opportunities offered by domestic tourism and travel bubbles as well as the limits and obstacles in implementation.
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Previous Episode:
Food Security in Asia and the Pacific Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
7 Jul 2020 11:00–12:30pm
(Manila) Next Episode:
Foreign Direct Investment in the Time of COVID-19: Policy Options for Asia
21 Jul 2020 1:00–2:30pm
- Opening Remarks:Arjun Goswami Chief of RCI Thematic Group, SDCC, ADBBio
Arjun Goswami holds a degree in Law (Juris Doctor) from the American University; a Master of Law degree (Public International Law) from Cambridge University; a Master of Arts degree (Modern History) from Oxford University; and a Master of Science Certificate in Financial Management from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University. With 21 years in ADB in both operations and knowledge and a decade of RCI experience, he brings strategic direction and a focus on innovation and quality for future RCI work by ADB.
PresentationReviving Tourism Amid the COVID-19 PandemicZoritsa Urosevic UNWTO Special Representative to the United Nations in Geneva and New York and Director of Institutional Relations and Partnerships, World Tourism OrganizationBioZoritsa Urosevic is currently the UNWTO Special Representative to the United Nations in Geneva and New York and Director of Institutional Relations and Partnerships, having joined the World Tourism Organization in 2006. The department is responsible for providing policy advice for external relations, strategic partnerships and financing for development to the Secretariat, including the integration of the 2030 Agenda and the UN Reform in the organization’s strategic work and delivery. From 1993 to 2004, she worked in the Seychelles at the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Tourism and Transport, as Director of InternationalCooperation at regional and global levels. She started her career in France as Export Director for Groupe SOGEXPORT (Bank Societe Generale) in Paris, after completing her Psychology and Business Management studies in Strasbourg.
Matthias Helble Economist, ERCD, ADBBio PresentationMatthias Helble is an economist in the Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the ADB in Manila. Previously, he was a Senior Research Fellow and Co-Chair of the Research Department of ADBI in Tokyo. His research interests include international trade, health, and development. His research has been published in numerous scientific journals as well as in flagship reports of international organizations. His publication record also includes ten books, including with Oxford University Press. Matthias began his professional career at the World Bank, before joining the World Health Organization. He then worked as an economist for the World Trade Organization as well as the United Nations. He holds graduate degrees in economics from the University of Tübingen, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (PhD) in Geneva.
Panel Discussion on opportunities and challenges of domestic tourism and travel bubblesModerator:Anna Fink Economist (Regional Cooperation), SDCC, ADBBioAnna Fink is an Economist in the Regional Cooperation and Integration Thematic Group in theSustainable Development and Climate Change department of ADB. She leads research and technical assistance relating to regional cooperation and integration with a focus on Southeast Asia, the Pacific and particularly regional public goods. This includes an ongoing technical assistance to support tourism cooperation and livestock trade between Indonesia and Timor-Leste. Prior to joining ADB, she worked as a natural resource economist and statistician with the Secretariat of the Pacific Community and as a Consultant on trade facilitation and regional integration in East and Southern Africa. She has a Master’s degree in Development Management from the London School of Economics and has volunteered on several development projects in Africa and South America.
Panelilsts:Mario Hardy Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Asia Travel AssociationBioDr. Mario Hardy was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), the not-for-profit membership association that catalyzes on the responsible development of travel and tourism within the Asia Pacific region, in November 2014. He is the past Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the PATA Foundation, a non-profit organization with a focus on the protection of the environment, the conservation of culture and heritage, and support for education.
Dr. Hardy has 30 years of experience in specialized aviation businesses focusing on data analytics and technology, coupled with several corporate leadership capacities. He is also the founder of Venture Capital firm MAP2 | Ventures, an investment fund with a wide portfolio of technology-centric businesses in the field of FinTech, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, GreenTech and FMCG, as well as a platform that provides valuable management advice, mentorship and access to a vast network built in corporate development.
Dr. Hardy serves: on the Advisory Board of the Global Tourism Economic Forum, the Global Tourism Resilience Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hospitality and Tourism School, Guilin Tourism University, Middle East Travel and Tourism Development Network Centre and Advisor and Shareholder of over 15 global technology privately own businesses.
He also received an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from Capilano University in 2016 for his philanthropic work in Cambodia where he helped develop a school for underprivileged children and for his support in thedevelopment of a Community Based Tourism project inVietnam. In 2017, Dr. Hardy graduated from the Executive Program of Singularity University in Exponential Technologies and was honored as a “Global Ambassador of Peace Through Tourism” by the International Institute for Peace Through Tourism.Patrick Osewe Chief of Health Sector Group, SDCC, ADBBioDr. Patrick L. Osewe is the Chief of the Health Sector Group at the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He provides leadership on policy, technical, and operational matters. In close collaboration with the Sector Committee, he leads the application of evidence based and innovative approaches to address priority and emerging health issues in Asia and the Pacific. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Patrick has provided leadership and guidance in the implementation of ADB’s $20 billion commitment to respond to COVID-19. His work related to COVID-19 includes convening global partners to reach consensus and prioritize investments, mobilizing leading private sector firms to support a range of response activities, and collaborating with International Air Transport Association, International Civil Aviation Organization, airlines, and hotels to safely restore travel and tourism industries based on available evidence. Prior to his time at ADB, Patrick was a Global Lead for the World Bank’s Healthy Societies Global Solutions Group. In this role, Patrick provided technical and operational guidance to countries, World Bank teams and the global health community to address public health challenges. These includeddeveloping strategies for achieving universal health coverage (UHC), combatting the emerging burden of non-communicable diseases, and addressing health security as both an economic issue and as a major threat to achieving UHC. Patrick has led major global and regional multi-sectoral efforts to address communicable and non-communicable diseases and built the capacity of World Bank teams and clients in the use of results-based management. He has over 25 years of experience as a global leader in health, including having previously worked for USAID and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as providing technical support to UN agencies and countries in different parts of the world. Patrick holds an MD from the University of Nairobi and an MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health.
Dr. Jaeyeon Choe is a Senior Lecturer at Bournemouth University, UK. She obtained her PhD in Tourism Management and Cultural Anthropology from The Pennsylvania State University, USA. She is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and co-editor of a book Pilgrimage Beyond the Officially Sacred: Understanding the Geographies of Religion and Spirituality in Sacred Travel (Routledge 2020).As an international educator, she has been invited as a visiting scholar to Canada, Indonesia, Finland, Germany, Thailand and Vietnam. Her research areas revolve around sustainable tourism development in Southeast Asia, poverty alleviation, and migration. With a passion of knowledge co-creation, she actively works with the ASEAN academic communities. She successfully co-organized the Nexus of Migration and Tourism: Creating Social Sustainability Symposium, with Vietnam National University, Hanoi in 2018. She also keynoted at Sustainable Tourism Development in Southeast Asia Conference in Hanoi, 2019. She serves as an associate editor for the e-Review Tourism Journal and editorial board for the International Journal of Religious Tourism. She co-founded the Refugee and Migrant Leisure Network with community organizations and local councils based in Southern England.Jaeyeon Choe Senior Lecturer, Bournemouth University, UKBioDr. Jaeyeon Choe is a Senior Lecturer at Bournemouth University, UK. She obtained her PhD in Tourism Management and Cultural Anthropology from The Pennsylvania State University, USA. She is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and co-editor of a book Pilgrimage Beyond the Officially Sacred: Understanding the Geographies of Religion and Spirituality in Sacred Travel (Routledge 2020).As an international educator, she has been invited as a visiting scholar to Canada, Indonesia, Finland, Germany, Thailand and Vietnam. Her research areas revolve around sustainable tourism development in Southeast Asia, poverty alleviation, and migration. With a passion of knowledge co-creation, she actively works with the ASEAN academic communities. She successfully co-organized the Nexus of Migration and Tourism: Creating Social Sustainability Symposium, with Vietnam National University, Hanoi in 2018. She also keynoted at Sustainable Tourism Development in Southeast Asia Conference in Hanoi, 2019. She serves as an associate editor for the e-Review Tourism Journal and editorial board for the International Journal of Religious Tourism. She co-founded the Refugee and Migrant Leisure Network with community organizations and local councils based in Southern England.
Carlos Faria Consultant, Partner of JCF Strategy ConsultingBioCarlos Faria has 27 years of experience including 18 as strategy consultant. He holds an MBA in International Management from Catolica/Nova/M.I.T Lisbon, a Bachelor of Arts in economics and finance from ISCTE (Lisbon), and an advanced Masters from Aarhus Business School from Denmark. He started his career in Europe managing portfolios of tourism and travel industry investments where he gained profound knowledge of the tourism value chain. As consultant he has supported: the development of the trade fairs business of Read Exhibitions; the turnaround of TAP upon the bankruptcy of Swissair; the development of the Lisbon Air hub; the development of revenue management tools for Avis Europe; supported the EU commission on digital marketing contracts between LCC airlines and tourism regions in matters of competition subject to the European Courts scrutiny; the green field development of airlines in Europe; the improvement of revenues of Europe’s largest airline groups; the support to Airbus Group in envisioning the most likely scenarios for the development of new aircraft from 2020-2060, having in consideration the geopolitical likely developments and the travel and tourism industry possible configurations. He has worked for ADB as independent consultant in projects in Armenia, in ABEC, and currently in the development of the CAREC Tourism Strategy as team leader. Additionally, in face of the COVID-19 pandemic he has in mid-March 2020, for the PM office and Eurogroup leader, on a pro-bono basis, contributed as expert providing a concept paper in how the EU should address the economic impacts of the pandemic. More recently (end of June, 2020), he has issued a concept paper (prior to the state re-nationalization of TAP) on the economic feasible strategic options available for the Group in a post-Covid period.