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  • Asia Capital Markets Monitor 2011
    August 2011
    Emerging Asia’s capital markets have shown great resilience over the past year, but the recent sharp sell-offs in response to economic uncertainty in the US and eurozone underscore the need for stronger policies to boost investor confidence and reduce excessive volatility. This year's issue of Asia Capital Markets Monitor (ACMM) assesses Asian markets' integration with the global market and capital flow volatility and offers policy recommendations.Read the report, highlights, and news release. Watch and listen. Mr. Azis talks about the 2011 ACMM in Bloomberg.
  • Kiyoshi Nishimura to Become First CEO of Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility
    5 August 2011
    Kiyoshi Nishimura, a senior banker with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, has been appointed as the first Chief Executive Officer of the Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (CGIF), a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank. CGIF will provide guarantees for local currency denominated bonds issued by investment grade companies in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, People’s Republic of China, Japan, and Republic of Korea. Read news release.
  • July 2011 Asia Economic Monitor
    28 July 2011
    After last year’s strong economic recovery, emerging East Asia will see growth moderate this year as authorities continue to battle inflation amid anemic recovery and deleveraging in advanced economies, says the July issue of the Asia Economic Monitor. The report suggests that a pragmatic approach to a range of policies may help governments manage the inflationary impact of sustained and volatile changes in commodity prices. Read the report and its news release. Watch and listen.  OREI Head Iwan Azis talks about the July 2011 AEM in BBC.  
  • ADB Working Paper Series on Regional Economic Integration No. 84 - What Drives Different Types of Capital Flows and Their Volatilities in Developing Asia?
    July 2011
    Rogelio Mercado and Cyn-Young Park identify determinants for the size and volatility of various types of capital flows to emerging economies, with evidence generally pointing to the relative importance of “pull” factors. Significant influence of a regional factor also suggests the role of regional economic and policy cooperation for effective management of capital inflows to emerging economies.  Read more.  
  • FTAs now total 245 in Asia and the Pacific
    26 July 2011
    Free trade agreements (FTAs) continue to grow rapidly in Asia and the Pacific region. From just 54 in 2000, there were 245 FTAs as of July 2011, according to the Asian Development Bank. FTAs draw economies closer together and allow supply chains and production networks to flourish. About half are operational, with 65 under negotiation and 57 under discussion. Track FTA trends.
  • ODI Public Seminar - The Future of the World Trading System
    July 2011
    The Overseas Development Institute (ODI), an independent think tank on international development, organized a public event on “The Future of the World Trading System” on 22 July 2011. It was held at the ODI headquarters in London and streamed live online. The event aimed to investigate key factors that shape the future world trading system by discussing issues relevant to the Doha Round, the so-called “Plan B” agreement, the effect of widespread FTA proliferation, and the future role of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Event materials can be accessed here.
  • Aid for Trade in the Asia-Pacific: Its Role in Trade-Driven Growth, Report from the Co-Chairs of the Regional Technical Group (RTG) on Aid for Trade for the Asia-Pacific
    July 2011
    This first RTG Co-chairs report—Aid for Trade in the Asia–Pacific: Its Role in Trade-Driven Growth—takes stock of the Asia–Pacific experience and identifies the way forward for the WTO Aid for Trade Initiative in the region. Aid for Trade offers the opportunity to close the gap between the “two faces of Asia". The report shows that a regional approach backed by national strategies will ensure that available assistance is used most effectively for maximum benefit.It also shows that we must continue to seek additional concessional finance for well-designed projects and programs with high rates of return. Aid for Trade must also combine concessional finance with less concessional assistance where appropriate. See also Aid for Trade for the Asia-Pacific website.  
  • ADB Working Paper Series on Regional Economic Integration No. 81 - Economic Crises and Institutions for Regional Economic Cooperation
    June 2011
    C. Randall Henning compares six regional economic crises over the last four decades and the institution building—or decay—that followed. The analysis concludes that five conditions are especially important in generating a constructive regional response: (i) a significant degree of regional economic interdependence; (ii) an independent secretariat or intergovernmental body charged with cooperation; (iii) webs of interlocking economic agreements; and, as elements of the multilateral context, (iv) conflict with the relevant international organization (such as the International Monetary Fund [IMF]); and (v) the support of the United States. Read more.
  • ADB Working Paper Series on Regional Economic Integration No. 80 - Sequencing Regionalism: Theory, European Practice, and Lessons for Asia
    June 2011
    Richard Baldwin employs feedback mechanisms to organize Europe’s postwar integration narrative and then draws lessons for today’s integration of East Asia. The paper suggests that the spontaneous cooperation that created “Factory Asia” has not been codified. One starting point for Asian regional institutions would be to institutionalize the spontaneous cooperation that already exists on trade, services, and investment. New, creative thinking is needed on the sort of soft-law commitments and new modes of cooperation that would make this work with limited sovereignty pooling. Read more.
  • ADB Working Paper Series on Regional Economic Integration No. 82 - Asian Regional Institutions and the Possibilities for Socializing the Behavior of States
    June 2011
    Amitav Acharya proposes a new framework to investigate the effect of regional institutions in the socialization (i.e. internalization of group norms by newcomers) of new members.  Called Type III internalization, it represents a middle ground between Type I and Type II internalization. The impact of institutional norms such as 'open regionalism' and 'cooperative security' transmitted through institutions such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, and the ASEAN Regional Forum on Viet Nam, India, and the People's Republic of China attests to the existence of a Type III internalization. Read more.     
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