- 2Jul2013
Economic turbulence and the Indonesian economy
Unlike many other large economies, Indonesia has been able to ride out the recent global financial crisis with relatively few problems. This is particularly remarkable given that Indonesia is an open economy.
- 24Jun2013
PRC’s financial policy menus and slower growth
As the global economy has shifted over the past decade, emerging economies are faced with novel opportunities and challenges stemming from their newfound leadership.
- 18Jun2013
Is Indonesia up for the ASEAN economic community 2015?
When the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) comes into being, Indonesia is in a position to reap important economic gains. Following its recovery from the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, its economy has been growing at an average of more than 5%.
- 10Jun2013
FDI in Asia’s LDCs: Unrealized development potential
According to a recent ADB survey, trade finance shortfalls in developing Asia caused companies to miss out on nearly $425 billion in commercial opportunities.
- 22May2013
Global value chains, trade policy and asia
The defining feature of early 21st-century international trade is global value chains (GVCs). Trade in GVCs is the fastest growing part of international trade, and a critical driver of productivity, growth and employment in both developed and developing countries.
- 15May2013
Care for a dance? Regulatory diversity and partner choice in Asian preferential agreements in services
One of the striking features of trade diplomacy in recent years has been the seemingly unstoppable march of preferential trade liberalization and rule-making.
- 8May2013
Capital inflows and export competitiveness in Asia: The role of education
South Asia is the only developing region where foreign direct investment (FDI) has had a negative impact on export prices, measured by terms of trade. Recent research has shown that in most emerging and developing countries FDI generally improves terms of trade.
- 29Apr2013
Making trade happen! A quick look at the proposed WTO trade facilitation agreement
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is billing a global agreement on trade facilitation as the central issue for the upcoming Bali Ministerial in December.
- 15Apr2013
Promoting manufacturing investment in Lao PDR
In recent years, and particularly following its accession to the WTO in February, foreign investors have turned their attention to Lao PDR.
- 1Apr2013
Can trade create activism among Asian economies with challenging characteristics?
The fortunes of Asia's developing countries can swing wildly. Frontier economies like Myanmar and Mongolia were deserted by investors just a decade ago.