- 18Mar2013
Global supply chains, development and international trade
In a new paper written for the September 2011 NBER-Bank of England conference “Globalization in an Age of Crisis: Multilateral Economic Cooperation in the Twenty-First Century"...
- 4Mar2013
Is protectionism a viable policy option for the G20?
Protectionism seems to be back in favour for many policymakers in the G20. Since the start of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in September 2008, protectionist measures are reported to have outnumbered liberalizing measures by five to one worldwide.
- 19Feb2013
Global antidumping and the People’s Republic of China
Anti-dumping (AD) investigations are widespread. According to a WTO Report, from 1995 to 2008, there were 43 countries that launched a total of 3427 investigations against 100 countries.
- 4Feb2013
Does exporting raise firm innovation?
Evidence supporting exporters as more productive than non-exporters is well documented, but evidence on why or how they become more productive is less conclusive.
- 21Jan2013
Logistics development in Asia with the USA and Europe
In terms of container export flows, the Peoples' Republic of China (PRC) has been outpacing both manufacturing exporters, the USA and Europe for years.
- 7Jan2013
Services trade in Asia: opportunities and challenges
In 2008, RuralShores, India's leading rural business process outsourcing (BPO) company, established its first BPO center at Bagepalli--a drought-prone town outside Bangalore.
- 17Dec2012
Myanmar’s trade and its potential
A recent paper (Ferrarini, B. 2012, Myanmar’s Trade and its Potential, to be published soon) assesses Myanmar’s merchandise trade against potential by fitting an augmented gravity model to a panel data set of...
- 7Dec2012
US Dollar: The slipping anchor
The world dollar standard is an accident of history that greatly facilitates international trade and exchange.
- 19Nov2012
Does exporting raise firm productivity?
No reasonable economists would disagree that trade openness and productivity is good for growth.
- 6Nov2012
Why the "end of cheap China*" may be good
Rising wages in the People's Republic of China (PRC) have sparked off concerns the world over.