Spotlight Archives
- GMS Project DatabaseOctober 2015GMS Project Database is now available online. It provides information about all projects in the GMS Program since 1992, including 200+ future projects set forth in the GMS Regional Investment Framework. The projects are also mapped out, with links to Project Data Pages.
- RCI Chat September-October 2015October 2015Grab a copy of Sept-Oct issue of RCI Chat! RCI Chat tracks regional cooperation and integration news in Asia focusing on cross-border infrastructure, trade and investment, money and finance, and regional public goods.
- Cambodia's Special Economic ZonesOctober 2015Warr and Menon examine the role of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Cambodia, and find that the SEZs have attracted significant levels of foreign investment that would not have been present otherwise.
- ARIC FTA Database UpdateSep 2015The ARIC Free Trade Agreement (FTA) database September 2015 update registers 215 FTA that are under negotiations, signed but not yet in effect, and in force. While the rise of Asia's FTA shows sign of slowing down, Asia's FTA continue to make progress in 2015.
- Strengthening Public Pension System in Asia23 Feb 2016The report summarizes the proceedings of the Conference on Strengthening Public Pension Systems in Asia, which focused on CLMVT economies. The conference was organized by ADB and the Pacific Pension & Investment Institute on 3–4 September 2015 in Bangkok. Download report here.
- RCI Chat July-August 2015Aug 2015Grab a copy of July-August 2015 issue of RCI Chat! RCI Chat tracks regional cooperation and integration news in Asia focusing on cross-border infrastructure, trade and investment, money and finance, and regional public good
- The Noodle Bowl Effect: Stumbling or Building Block?Aug 2015A proliferation of free trade agreements between individual countries, known as the “noodle bowl effect”, has negative effects on trade. Yet, basic game theory shows that they could instead be beneficial. This paper explores an economy’s incentive for entering a free trade agreement (FTA) rather than anticipating a global trade regime.
- Aid for Trade in Asia and the Pacific: Thinking Forward About Trade Costs and the Digital EconomyJuly 2015Aid for Trade (AfT) flows have increased each year since 2006 in the region. And while regional aggregate trade costs continue to fall, many subregions continue to struggle with trade costs that are substantially higher than the global average.
- Declining growth of output per worker in Asia: so what and what now?Jul 2015Since the early 2000s, labor productivity growth, or the growth of output per worker (measured by GDP divided by employment), has been declining in most economies in Asia. Reducing the number of poor people typically requires a satisfactory rate of growth of the economic pie and has to be accompanied by rising incomes. So falling productivity may also jeopardize the efforts of governments to reduce poverty.
- Pacific Economic Monitor: July 2015 - Midyear ReviewJuly 2015This issue of the Pacific Economic Monitor updates the 2015 and 2016 GDP growth and inflation projections for ADB's Pacific developing member countries. The policy briefs included in this issue focus on disasters in the Pacific.