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  • Research Workshop on Financial Volatility, Risk and Vulnerability: Assessment and Practice
    26-27 October 2007
    In a research workshop organized by the Office of Regional Economic Integration (OREI), public and private sector representatives discussed recent developments in financial markets, evaluated methods of assessing financial vulnerability, and talked about country practices. Robert Barro, professor of Economics at Harvard University, delivered the keynote speech.
  • Seminar Series on Regional Economic Integration: Inequality and Growth
    26 October 2007
    Robert Barro, Professor of Economics at Harvard University, discussed the relationship between income inequality and economic performance in the context of globalization. See the presentation.
  • Training on Free Trade Agreements
    18-26 October2007
    As an integral part of ADB’s regional cooperation and integration (RCI) strategy, the Office of Regional Economic Integration (OREI) launched its 3rd batch training course on designing, negotiating, and implementing free trade agreements (FTAs). The program aims to enhance capacity of selected Asian developing member countries (DMCs) involved in FTAs. A total of 35 DMC trade officials from Asia and the Pacific will attend the course which covers topics on trade databases and models, various coverage of FTA, and strategies for FTA negotiations and implementation.
  • Help Pledged for Poor Economies to Reap Benefits from Global Trade
    19 September 2007
    Top global and regional financial officials at a conference in Manila this week pledged to help small and weak states in Asia and the Pacific build and strengthen capacity to benefit from trade. Read more about the Mobilizing Aid for Trade conference.| Video | Podcast |
  • Aid for Trade: How ADB Can Help
    17 September 2007
    Well before Aid for Trade, ADB has been active in trade-related development. This booklet illustrates how ADB can help in Asia and the Pacific. Read more.Read more about the Mobilizing Aid for Trade conference.| Video | Podcast |
  • ADBI Discussion Paper - ASEAN+3 or ASEAN+6: Which Way Forward?
    03 October 2007
    Masahiro Kawai (Dean, ADBI) and Ganeshan Wignaraja (Senior Trade Economist, ADB) write on patterns and effects of FTAs in East Asia. They conclude that consolidation of multiple and overlapping FTAs into a single East Asian FTA could help mitigate the harmful “noodle bowl” effects of different rules of origin and standards and that consolidation at the ASEAN+6 level would yield the largest gains to East Asia—while the losses to non-members would be relatively small. Read more
  • Mobilizing Aid for Trade: Focus Asia and the Pacific
    19-20 September 2007
    The Asian Development Bank, in partnership with the World Trade Organization and the Philippine Government, will host a high-level dialogue on Aid for Trade (AfT) 19-20 September. For more information, please see the press release and visit the AfT website.
  • Asia Economic Monitor July 2007
    26 July 2007
    The July AEM includes theme chapters on managing capital inflows in emerging East Asia and on the region's banking systems 10 years after the crisis. AEM says emerging East Asian economies will continue strong growth in 2007 and 2008. Read more.
  • Seminar Series on Regional Economic Integration: Economic Reforms, External Opening, and Growth - PRC and India
    23 July 2007
    T.N. Srinivasan, Professor of Economics at Yale University gave a talk on economic reform and growth processes in the two countries with focus on the opening of the external sector, which largely explains their differential performance, and the importance of delivering the vision of inclusive growth. View the paper and the presentation for more.
  • Training on Free Trade Agreements
    9 - 20 July 2007
    As an integral part of ADB’s regional cooperation and integration (RCI) strategy, the Office of Regional Economic Integration (OREI) launched its 2nd batch training course on designing, negotiating, and implementing free trade agreements (FTAs). The program aims to enhance capacity of selected Asian developing member countries (DMCs) involved in FTAs. A total of 31 DMC trade officials from Asia and the Pacific will attend the course which covers topics on trade databases and models, various coverage of FTA, and strategies for FTA negotiations and implementation. More
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