- 30Jul2012
How can we unlock the potential of small enterprises?
On May 18, 2012, a former microenterprise, founded by 5 university roommates, was listed on the stock market, accompanied by a lot of media attention
- 17Jul2012
ASEAN’s newer members and the Asian noodle bowl: Coming to grips with multilateralism
Arguably the greatest trade policy challenge facing ASEAN’s newer members — Cambodia, the Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam (CLMV) — are the non-tariff barriers restricting trade
- 10Jul2012
WTO dispute settlement: A right to a day in court for all
In the 17 years that the WTO has existed, only one least developed country (LDC) – Bangladesh – has ever brought a complaint before the WTO dispute settlement system
- 2Jul2012
How to achieve a region-wide free trade agreement?
A region-wide free-trade agreement (FTA) is considered to be one way of solving the Asian “noodle bowl” syndrome, but there are various views on how to achieve it
- 25Jun2012
Can renminbi appreciation resolve global imbalances?
A faster appreciation of the renminbi has often been touted as the panacea for resolving global imbalances
- 11Jun2012
Production networks: How can Asia manage the risks and opportunities?
Due to unusually severe flooding during the 2011 monsoon season in Thailand, Toyota lost output of 150,000 vehicles and reduced output in the US, Canada, South Africa, Malaysia and other Asian countries
- 28May2012
Is it a problem when investors can sue the state?
On May 17, the government of the Republic of Korea decided not to pursue renegotiation of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Clause (ISDS) that is included in the Republic of Korea-US Free Trade Agreement
- 21May2012
Greater private sector involvement in aid for trade
The concept of Aid for Trade (AfT) puts together two key concepts: foreign development assistance, which targets the public sector, and trade, which is largely a private sector activity
- 13Apr2012
Historic accord on government procurement
After more than 10 years of negotiations, the parties to the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) successfully reached consensus on a revised set of rules during the WTO’s eighth ministerial meeting in Geneva last December 2011