Spotlight Archives
- 7th Meeting of International Policy Advisory GroupJuly 20153–4 August 2015 Auditorium A & B, ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines The workshop will focus on three themes: Theme 1: Growth Drivers and the Quality of Growth Theme 2: Financial Resilience and Stability Theme 3: Reform Policies focusing on Skills and Infrastructure
- ADB Institute Policy Brief: Global Value Chains along the New Silk RoadJune 2015Central Asia is opening up rapidly with the completion of new transport corridors. Providing a passageway for goods between east and west, however, cannot be its main goal. It needs to attract investment to diversify its economies from petroleum and other natural resources. Other parts of Asia have developed by linking with global value chains.
- ADB Institute Policy Brief: Ensuring the Triple Win of Labor Migration in AsiaJune 2015Labor migration is a large and growing phenomenon in Asia as workers in origin countries seek better paying jobs and employers in destination countries endeavor to fill employment gaps. Domestic policies and bilateral agreements are necessary to support efficient job matching, eliminate abuses in the recruitment process, and protect the rights of workers abroad.
- RCI Chat May-June 2015June 2015Grab a copy of May-June 2015 issue of RCI Chat! RCI Chat tracks regional cooperation and integration news in Asia focusing on cross-border infrastructure, trade and investment, money and finance, and regional public goods.
- Asia Bond Monitor June 2015June 2015The Asia Bond Monitor (ABM) reviews recent developments in East Asian local currency bond markets along with the outlook, risks, and policy options. The ABM covers the 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations member countries plus the People’s Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; and the Republic of Korea. Download the Asia Bond Monitor June 2015 here.
- Connecting South Asia and Southeast AsiaMay 2015A 2015 ADB/ADBI study estimated $568 billion worth of gains from infrastructure led connectivity between South Asia and Southeast Asia. It also reported that an affordable $73 billion is required to meet the cost of sub-regional infrastructure investment. Download study here.
- Pacific Exporter's meeting on 29 April 201529 April 2015Organized by ADB, PIFS and the WTO, and financed by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, this one day networking event will bring in experts in trade finance, marketing, and digital commerce to talk about the frontier of niche product development. Click here for more details.
- FTA database update: Asian FTAs continue to riseApr 2015The number of free trade agreements (FTAs) involving at least one economy from Asia and the Pacific has grown from just 51 in 2000 to 215 (excluding proposed FTAs) as of March 2015. Of these, 126 are now effective, more than four times the number in 2000. The rest are either pending ratification or under negotiation. The ARIC FTA database now excludes proposed FTAs in its total count to better capture the current state of FTAs in Asia.
- ADB joins ASEAN+3 Finance and Central Bank Deputies' Meeting8 April 2015Deputy Chief Economist and ERCD DDG Juzhong Zhuang presented the economic outlook of developing Asia and ASEAN+3 economies, and highlighted the challenges of deepening regional economic integration and financial sector development. He also held consultations with deputies on financial cooperation at the meeting on 6-7 April in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- RCI Chat April 2015April 2015Grab a copy of the April 2015 issue of RCI Chat! RCI Chat tracks regional cooperation and integration news in Asia focusing on cross-border infrastructure, trade and investment, money and finance, and regional public goods.