
Flagship publication:

Asian Economic Integration Report 2025

Harnessing the Benefits of Regional Cooperation and Integration

March 2025
The Asian Economic Integration Report 2025 analyzes how regional integration has driven growth in Asia and the Pacific over the past 2 decades. This integration has significantly impacted trade, global value chains, foreign direct investment, finance, migration, remittances, and tourism. Despite strong regional cooperation, growing geopolitical tensions and global fragmentation call for renewed focus on regional cooperation to cushion external shocks. Modernizing trade and investment agreements, enhancing regional financial arrangements, and advancing digitalization will help drive economic prosperity, bridge the digital divide, and navigate geopolitical and economic challenges in the coming decades.

Featured publications:

Regional Cooperation and Integration Publications List 1992–2024

A bibliographical compilation of Books, Reports and Studies, Policy Briefs, Working Papers, Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings, Newsletters, Brochures, Op-Eds, Blogs, Speeches, and more.
January 2025

E-Commerce Evolution in Asia and the Pacific: Opportunities and Challenges

This report analyzes e-commerce in Asia and the Pacific, assesses its environmental impact, and explains why providing adequate internet, online payments, and last-mile logistics is key to creating a sustainable and inclusive digital marketplace.

Noting the region makes up the largest share of the world’s online retail market, it tracks the impact of the pandemic and emphasizes the need to level the playing field for small businesses. It outlines ways for companies to measure their carbon footprint, highlights the potential risk of anti-competitive behavior, and explains the need to improve digital taxation policies in line with e-commerce’s rapid growth.
November 2023

Integrated Approach to Trade and Transport Facilitation: Measuring Readiness for Sustainable, Inclusive, and Resilient Trade

The report examines the current state of trade and transport facilitation, analyzes gaps in the available guidance, and provides strategic recommendations. It includes a framework for the assessment of trade readiness at national and subnational levels and illustrates its implementation through case studies of Cambodia and Thailand. The report aims to help governments boost the region's recovery from COVID-19 disruption by making cross-border trading and transport arrangements more efficient and more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable.
December 2022

ARIC archived publications

Asian Economic Integration Monitor

The AEIM evolved from the Asia Economic Monitor (AEM), which—since December 2001—continued the work of the Asia Recovery Report in monitoring the impact of the 1997/98 Asian financial crisis and policy response. The AEIM expands its coverage to all of Asia and the Pacific.

This new semiannual series combines two important elements of ADB’s knowledge portfolio—regional economic and financial monitoring and an assessment of developments in regional cooperation and integration (RCI). Intended to keep track of the region’s progress, the AEIM reviews recent economic performance, assesses new RCI developments in Asia and the Pacific and its subregions, and—in a special section—analyzes initiatives or events that will affect the process of cooperation and integration.


RCI Chat

The bimonthly newsletter of the Asia Regional Integration Center.

RCI Information Pack

The monthly Regional Cooperation and Integration (RCI) Information Pack monitors RCI news and events, categorized under the four RCI pillars of (i) cross-border infrastructure, (ii) trade and investment, (iii) money and finance, and (iv) regional public goods. It also presents high-frequency monetary, financial, and trade indicators, which—taken together—can help monitor the economic links between the economies of Asia and the Pacific, and major partners outside the region. The RCI Information Pack is published by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), produced by ADB’s Office of Regional Economic Integration (OREI).

Asia Economic Monitor

A semiannual analysis of economic performance, outlook, and policy issues for 14 emerging East Asian economies. It includes a special section on current global and regional economic issues.

RCI Digest

The Digest follows the progress of regional cooperation and integration (RCI) in the following areas: cross-border infrastructure; trade and investment; money and finance; and regional public goods. It features articles on regional and subregional RCI initiatives, in collaboration with ADB’s Regional Departments.

  • December—January 2013

ADB Working Paper Series on Regional Economic Integration

The Series focuses on topics relating to regional cooperation and integration in the areas of infrastructure, trade and investment, money and finance, and regional public goods.



A collection of books on regional cooperation and integration in Asia and the Pacific, either published by the ADB or authored by ADB staff and consultants.



Economic almanac, statistical yearbooks, and other regular publications of international organizations and government agencies of 15 emerging Asian economies.



Research, working, and discussion papers on regional cooperation and integration and various economic policy issues from international and government sources.
