About the forum
Since the 1980s, the modular production network has been spreading fast in the manufacturing sector. Progress in transportation skills and information and communication technologies has led the production process to be increasingly compartmentalized into tasks that include research and development, design, procurement, manufacturing, assembly, distribution, marketing and sales. Different tasks are undertaken across borders, which underpins the emergence and deepening of the global value chain (GVC). The global decline in trade costs has shored up expansion of the GVC, while at the firm level increasing intra-industry trade and efficiency-driven foreign direct investments by multinational corporations have led to expansion in offshore production, either within the firm or through outsourcing. Asia has been no exception to that trend.
Asia’s GVC participation―measured by the share of gross exports of which the production involves at least two countries―indicates that GVC participation has deepened since 2000. Asian countries at the same time are intensifying production and trade interconnectedness within the region, demonstrating growing regional value chain (RVC) linkages.
According to ADB’s Multi-Regional Input-Output data, where the 62 economies covered include 26 in Asia, the region’s GVC participation rate was 67.2% in 2000 and grew gradually to peak at 69.7% in 2011. That slowed for a few years in tandem with a slump in global trade growth, and had rebounded somewhat to 68% by 2017. While recovery in international trade growth could help explain this trend, in-depth discovery of the underlying factors behind changes in GVC participation remains the provenance of empirical investigation.
Deepening GVC participation can bring substantial economic benefits, owing to better utilization of cost advantages, locational comparative advantages, and other types of efficiency gain. While GVC participation can also offer opportunities for technological transfer and the absorption of production skills at the firm and industry levels, it may increase vulnerability to global economic shocks and geopolitical risks as economies become more connected with others. With services accounting for an increasing portion of economic growth and becoming embedded into manufacturing activities as essential value-added components, the role of the services sector in deepening the GVC is also drawing more attention from policy makers. With this in mind, it is important for policy makers in the region to gain an up-to-date understanding of drivers of the GVC and its economic and development impact if they are to come up with effective policy responses.
Questions to be addressedThis year’s ADB-Asian Think Tank Development Forum will provide a venue to share ideas and experiences among affiliated scholars on the drivers and impact of the GVC by exploring the following questions:
- How are the dynamics of the GVC changing and what main characteristics define Asian economies’ GVC and RVC participation?
- What distinctive features at industrial and sectoral levels cause the patterns of Asian economies’ GVC and RVC participation to differ from those in other regions?
- How can different Asian economies’ relative position (upstreamness and downstreamness) in the GVC be assessed at sectoral and country levels? How have the GVC linkage patterns (backward versus forward) of Asian economies been changing and how are they forecast to evolve in future? To what extent are these trends anchored to the development stages of economies and their industrial structures?
- What are the main drivers of GVC and RVC expansion in Asia, including cost, market access, cultural, and technological factors? What factors do multinational companies and small and medium-size enterprises have in common and in what respects do they differ when it comes to GVC and RVC participation?
- What are the economic and development impacts of GVC at country and regional levels? What policy implications can be drawn to better utilize the opportunities offered by GVC expansion while coping with potential negative impacts?
- How are various services sectors becoming embedded into GVC networks in regional economies and what economic impact is expected from this phenomenon? What would the policy implications be in this regard?
- What are the enabling factors to foster an economy’s GVC and RVC participation while maximizing its economic benefits, and how can their contributions be measured particularly from least developing country’s perspective? (e.g., quality infrastructure, capacity building, enabling policy environment and policy reforms, lowering trade barriers including non-tariff measures, etc.)
Monday, 21 October 2019
19:00Cocktails (hosted by ADB)
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
Day 1
Opening Ceremony
Emcees:ZAW MIN NAING,and
Research Associate, Centre for Economic and Social Development (CESD)
Executive Assistant, Centre for Economic and Social Development (CESD)
09:00Welcome Remarks
Executive Director, CESD
BioZaw Oo is Executive Director of the Centre for Economic and Social Development, an independent think-tank dedicated to inclusive development in Myanmar. Previously, he was the Presidential Economic Advisor from 2012-2016, serving as a principal advisor on finance, industry, commerce and labour issues. In 2012, Zaw Oo contributed to the Framework of Economic and Social Reform, a strategic policy framework for guiding comprehensive reforms in Myanmar from 2012 to 2015 and subsequently, assigned to negotiate a historic decision of Paris Club in cancelling 60% of Myanmar’s debt.
He is presently a member of National Minimum Wage Setting Committee as well as an independent advisory member in several inter-ministerial committees such as pulses, rubber, fishery and a few other taskforces. He holds graduate degrees from Columbia University and American University in international development, finance and banking, and political economy and a certificate from Harvard University. He also taught at Chiang Mai University from 2006 to 2011. -
9:10Opening Remarks
Deputy Director General, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
BioDr. Edimon Ginting is deputy director general of Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Before this role, Dr. Ginting was director of the Economic Analysis and Operational Support Division where supervised the review of economic viability of all ADB projects and leads the preparation of country diagnostic studies for ADB’s developing member countries (DMCs). He joined ADB in 2007 and subsequently led several large and strategic ADB operations to support economic reforms, including loans to support the DMCs’ response to the global financial crisis. Before joining ADB, he was an economist at the International Monetary Fund; advisor to the Indonesian Parliament; research economist at the Productivity Commission, Australia; researcher and lecturer at the University of Indonesia; postdoctoral fellow at Monash University; and research economist at Gadjah Mada University. He received his PhD in economics from Monash University. -
09:20Keynote Speech
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Session 1: Regional Economic Outlooks
09:30Regional Economic Outlook
Principal Economist, Regional Integration and Cooperation Division, ADB
Presentation BioDr. Jong Woo Kang is principal economist at the Economic Research and Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He is a seasoned economist with extensive knowledge and experiences on policy and strategic issues. He was Senior Advisor to the Managing Director General of ADB and Senior Economist at Strategy and Policy Department at ADB. He leads the annual publication of Asian Economic Integration Report. Areas of his research interest include regional integration, inclusive growth, macroeconomic and international trade policies and aid effectiveness. He published articles in economics journals such as Journal of Development Economics , Journal of World Trade and Journal of Applied Economics.
Before joining ADB, he was director at Ministry of Finance and Economy of Korea until 2006. He holds a BA in economics and MA in public administration from Seoul National University, and Ph.D in economics from University of Washington. -
09:50Economic Outlook of India
Director and Chief Executive Officer, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations
Presentation BioRajat Kathuria is Director and Chief Executive at Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi. He has over 20 years experience in teaching and 15 years experience in economic policy, besides research interests on a range of issues relating to regulation and competition policy. He has worked with the World Bank, Washington DC as a Consultant and carried out research assignments for a number of international organizations, including ILO, UNCTAD, LirneAsia, World Bank and ADB. He has published in international and national journals, besides in popular magazines and newspapers. He is founder member of Broadband Society for Universal Access and served on the Board of Delhi Management Association. He is on several government committees and on the research advisory council of SBI. He has an undergraduate degree in Economics from St. Stephens College, a Masters from Delhi School of Economics and a PhD degree from the University of Maryland, College Park. -
10:10Economic Outlook of the People’s Republic of China
Research Fellow, Division of Multilateral Relations International Economics and Finance Institute
Presentation BioLI Minghui(Ms.) works at the Multilateral Cooperation Division at the International Economics and Finance Institute, Ministry of Finance of China. IEFI carries out economic research on a wide range of issues and topics both domestic and international, and provides strategic and overarching policy recommendations to the top decision-makers of the Ministry of Finance and other governmental bodies of China. She joined the Institute in 2013, and was seconded at the International Economic Relationship Department of MOF for two years. Her researches include economic cooperation mechanism such as G20, ASEAN+3, and multilateral development institutions. She holds BA and MA Degree in Economics from China Foreign Affairs University. -
10:30Open Floor Discussion
10:45Photo Session and Coffee Break
Session 2: Changing Landscape of Global and Regional Value Chains (PANEL DISCUSSION)
BioDr. Edimon Ginting is deputy director general of Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Before this role, Dr. Ginting was director of the Economic Analysis and Operational Support Division where supervised the review of economic viability of all ADB projects and leads the preparation of country diagnostic studies for ADB’s developing member countries (DMCs). He joined ADB in 2007 and subsequently led several large and strategic ADB operations to support economic reforms, including loans to support the DMCs’ response to the global financial crisis. Before joining ADB, he was an economist at the International Monetary Fund; advisor to the Indonesian Parliament; research economist at the Productivity Commission, Australia; researcher and lecturer at the University of Indonesia; postdoctoral fellow at Monash University; and research economist at Gadjah Mada University. He received his PhD in economics from Monash University.
Panel Discussion:
Principal Economist, ADB
BioDr. Jong Woo Kang is principal economist at the Economic Research and Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He is a seasoned economist with extensive knowledge and experiences on policy and strategic issues. He was Senior Advisor to the Managing Director General of ADB and Senior Economist at Strategy and Policy Department at ADB. He leads the annual publication of Asian Economic Integration Report. Areas of his research interest include regional integration, inclusive growth, macroeconomic and international trade policies and aid effectiveness. He published articles in economics journals such as Journal of Development Economics , Journal of World Trade and Journal of Applied Economics.
Before joining ADB, he was director at Ministry of Finance and Economy of Korea until 2006. He holds a BA in economics and MA in public administration from Seoul National University, and Ph.D in economics from University of Washington. - KHALID UMAR,
Head of Strategic Planning, CAREC Institute
BioKhalid Umar is working with CAREC Institute (CI's) as Head of Strategic Planning Unit since November 2016. He is also the coordinator of CI's think tanks development forum which is held annually under the auspices of CAREC Thin Tanks Network (CTTN) - a network of leading think tanks in the region. Khalid's professional interests include strategic partnerships, developing networks and alliances, regional economic cooperation and international macroeconomic issues. Prior to joining CI he served as Deputy Secretary (Economic Affairs) in the office of the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Khalid is a Fulbright Scholar and received his Masters degree in International Economics and Finance from Brandeis University, USA. - VENKATACHALAM ANBUMOZHI,
Senior Economist, The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
BioAnbumozhi Venkatachalam is a Senior Economist at the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia. His previous positions include Capacity Building Specialist and Senior Fellow at the Asian Development Bank Institute, Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo, Project Manager and Senior Policy researcher at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Assistant Manager at Pacific Consultants International, Tokyo and Research Associate at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. A distinguished fellow at the Asia Pacific Rim University (APRU) Forum on Development and Environment, he also advised ADB, JICA, JBIC, UNESCAP projects on sustainable development. He has published several books, authored numerous research articles and produced many project reports on natural resource management, climate friendly infrastructure design, and private sector participation in green growth. Anbumozhi was invited as a member of the APEC expert panel on Climate Finance, G20 Task Force on Green Finance on and the ASEAN panel for promoting climate-resilient growth. He has taught resource management, international cooperation and development finance at the University of Tokyo and has speaking engagements at some of the leading international organisations. He obtained his PhD from the University of Tokyo.
12:00Open Discussion
Session 3: Regional and Subregional Value Chains
Executive Director, Centre for Economic Development and Administration
BioAcademic Qualification- L.C (1978): Shree Khireshwar Janta Madhyamic Vidyalaya, Mahendranagar, Dhanusha in 2nd division.
- Certificate Level (1980): Shree R.R.M Campus,Janakpur,Dhanusha
- Diploma level (1984): Shree R.R.M Campus, Janakpur, Dhanusha.
- Master’s in Business Administration (1988): Central Department of Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu.
- Doctor of Philosophy: Faculty of Management, Kirtipur Tribhuvan University.
- Worked as a statistical Officer (Gazatted Third Class) from 2046 to 2050 B.S. in Central Bureau of Statistics, Thapathali, Kathmandu and participated actively in developing questionnaire for population census of 1991 and agriculture census of 1991/92, Industrial Census, and National Income Survey, providing training to the trainers (TOT), and conducting Pilot Test of questionnaires for above censuses and survey.
- Marketing: Special Reference to Rural Marketing, 2018, First Edition, Kastamandap Pustak Ghar, Bagbazar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- International Journal- Geo-political Management of Nepal, Vol. IV, No. 4, (Oct.-Dec. 2017) Research Highlights, Approved by UGC (Journal no — 48441), Future Fact Society, Varanasi (U.P.), India, (ISSN: 2350-0611).
Paper Presentations:
13:30Changing Landscape of Global Value Chains: Redefining Role of Asian Economies
Fellow, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations
Paper BioDr. Neha Gupta is a Fellow at Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER). She does research in International Economics particularly on Global Value Chains (GVCs). She has a Ph.D. degree in Economics from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) with her thesis on ‘Integration of India's manufacturing industries into GVCs’. Her current research at ICRIER focuses on evaluation of India's export competitiveness and role in GVCs (identification of potential key intermediate products which India can competitively export to the selected markets); examining trade and investment opportunities between India and Asian and African LDCs; assessing opportunities for India due to US-China trade war; understanding implications for India owing to withdrawal of Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) benefits; and mapping changes in India’s trade policies. She has previously worked as an United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Consultant at India’s G20 Secretariat (Sherpa Track) at the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India. She has number of good national and international publications. Her recent published papers include ‘Climbing up India's Manufacturing Export Ladder: How Competitive are Intermediate Goods?’; 'Domestic Value-added Growth is Vital: Are Indian Industries Gaining by Linking into Value Chains?'; and 'Constraints to Linking into Global Value Chains: Do Indian Industries Lack Capacities and Skills?' -
13:50Assessing Participation of CAREC Countries in Global and Regional Value Chains
Senior Researcher, ISET Policy Institute
Presentation Paper BioDavit Keshelava is a senior researcher at the Macroeconomic policy Research Center at ISET Policy Institute. He is specialized in macroeconomic research and is responsible for producing monthly reports of GDP forecast, writing blogs on economic topics and working on research projects. Davit is a Research Fellow and works as an invited lecturer at the University of Georgia, teaching Macroeconomics and Public Finance to the undergraduate bachelor students.
Davit received his Bachelor’s Degree from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) — faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Management concentration in 2014. Furthermore, he holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from the International School of Economics (ISET) at TSU in 2016. He was on Macroeconomic concentration. David’s MA project studied early warning indicators of banking crises in the small open economies. Davit is the current Ph.D. student in the Economics Faculty of the Tbilisi State University, working on the research project titled: “Modeling Currency Crises in the Transition Economies — Case Study of Georgia”. Davit is also experienced in the data analysis using special software packages like Stata, Eviews, and R. -
14:10Determinants and Regional Frameworks for Advancing Supply Chain Resilience in South East and East Asia
Senior Economist, ERIA
Presentation BioAnbumozhi Venkatachalam is a Senior Economist at the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia. His previous positions include Capacity Building Specialist and Senior Fellow at the Asian Development Bank Institute, Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo, Project Manager and Senior Policy researcher at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Assistant Manager at Pacific Consultants International, Tokyo and Research Associate at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. A distinguished fellow at the Asia Pacific Rim University (APRU) Forum on Development and Environment, he also advised ADB, JICA, JBIC, UNESCAP projects on sustainable development. He has published several books, authored numerous research articles and produced many project reports on natural resource management, climate friendly infrastructure design, and private sector participation in green growth. Anbumozhi was invited as a member of the APEC expert panel on Climate Finance, G20 Task Force on Green Finance on and the ASEAN panel for promoting climate-resilient growth. He has taught resource management, international cooperation and development finance at the University of Tokyo and has speaking engagements at some of the leading international organisations. He obtained his PhD from the University of Tokyo. -
14:30Open Discussion
15:00Coffee Break
Session 4: Global and Regional Value Chain
Moderator:ZAW OO,
Executive Director, CESD
BioZaw Oo is Executive Director of the Centre for Economic and Social Development, an independent think-tank dedicated to inclusive development in Myanmar. Previously, he was the Presidential Economic Advisor from 2012-2016, serving as a principal advisor on finance, industry, commerce and labour issues. In 2012, Zaw Oo contributed to the Framework of Economic and Social Reform, a strategic policy framework for guiding comprehensive reforms in Myanmar from 2012 to 2015 and subsequently, assigned to negotiate a historic decision of Paris Club in cancelling 60% of Myanmar’s debt.
He is presently a member of National Minimum Wage Setting Committee as well as an independent advisory member in several inter-ministerial committees such as pulses, rubber, fishery and a few other taskforces. He holds graduate degrees from Columbia University and American University in international development, finance and banking, and political economy and a certificate from Harvard University. He also taught at Chiang Mai University from 2006 to 2011.
Paper Presentations:
15:30Indonesia in the Context of GVCs
Research Associate (ADB Consultant)
Presentation BioJanine Lazatin is a research consultant at the Asian Development Bank. She received her Master's degree in Economics at the University of the Philippines in Diliman where is currently a Ph.D. Candidate. Over the years, she has done work on infrastructure investment and global value chains. -
15:50Pulse Value Chain Analysis: Role of Government in Normalizing Trade with India
Senior Research Coordinator, CESD
Presentation BioAung Htun is a master degree graduate in development studies from the Yangon Institute of Economics. Now, He is a researcher at Centre for Economic and Social Development, one of the leading organizations conducting social science and economic research around Myanmar. He is working as Research Coordinator of CESD. His responsibilities is conducting policy researches, networking with stakeholders and creating space for policy advocacy. Formerly, he worked at Centre for Diversity and National Harmony, Myanmar Peace Centre and the Inquiry Commission of Sectarian Violence in Rakhine State. He contributed his efforts towards studies about dynamism of armed conflicts, potential communal violence, ethnic politics and social cohesion and social and economic development in Myanmar. -
16:10Open Discussion
16:30Wrap up
19:00Networking Dinner (hosted by CESD)
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Day 2
Session 5: Country Level Production Network
Vice President, Central Institute for Economic Management
BioAss. Prof. Dr. Tran Kim Chung has been working with CIEM, a think tank in economic policies of Viet Nam since 1984 and has served in its various departments prior to becoming its Vice President. He has conducted many research projects, published many articles on economic structure, economic management, investment, cross — border trade, finance, land-housing and real estate market, public investment. He also served as a member of many Economic Line-Ministries Expert Groups; international groups on economic research, such as the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, World Link Project, Asian Think Tank Network, etc. After earning his diploma in Post Graduate in Economics of Development from the Australian National University, Dr. Tran Kim Chung obtained his Master in Economics of Development from the University of Manchester, his PhD in Economics of Development from the Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy and Ass. Prof. in economic since 2014.
Paper Presentations:
9:00How has the Recent Redevelopment of Lae Port Enhanced PNG’s Participation in the Global and Regional Value Chains?
Senior Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute
Presentation BioDr. Francis Odhuno is a Senior Research Fellow and the Program Leader of the Economic Policy Research Program (EPRP) at the Papua New Guinea National Research Institute (PNG NRI). Prior to joining the PNG NRI, Dr Odhuno completed BA, MA (Kenyatta University) and PhD in economics (University of Otago). He also worked with Ernst & Young in Nairobi, Kenya, as a Consultant in International Trade and Tax issues; and with the Ministry of Trade and Industry (also in Nairobi), where he worked as an Economist/Statistician and Industrial Development Officer. Dr Odhuno, CPA, is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK). -
9:20GVC Economic Impact and its Implications on Malaysia
Senior Research Fellow, Malaysian Institute of Economic Research
Presentation Paper BioDatuk Dr Zakariah bin Abdul Rashid currently is the Executive Director of the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) and an Emeritus Professor of Universiti Putra Malaysia. He was a professor of Economics at the Universiti Putra Malaysia and had served as Head of Economics Department and Deputy Dean of School of Graduate Studies of the university. While serving the university he taught various economic subjects at undergraduate and post-¬‐ graduate levels, supervised master and doctoral research works, published books and academic articles in local and international journals, delivered papers in seminars and conferences, and edited journal articles. He is principle investigator to many research projects and consultant to many research institutes and local (MIER, EPU, UPENs (Selangor, Pahang, Kelantan, Perak, Negeri Sembilan and Johore)) and international (ASEAN Secretariat, ERIA, ESCAP, ADB, ADBI,UNIDO) organizations. He helped the Government of Malaysia, constructing Social Accounting Matrix, in formulating poverty and income distribution policy during the Ninth Malaysia Plan.
Currently he serves as a member of National Wage Consultative Council and National Wage Consultative Technical Committee, assisting the Government of Malaysia in setting minimum wage. He is now developing CGE macroeconomic modelfor Malaysia and undertakes research works on FTAs, energy economics, ASEAN’s AEC, and structural change of the Malaysian economy.He was a visiting fellow at the Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway. He constructed input-¬‐output tables for states of Selangor, Johore, Perlis and Negeri Sembilan and undertook Khazanah’s study on the contributions of GLCs on the national economy. He always being invited to deliver lectures in Malaysia and overseas on many current economic issues, quarterly macroeconomics monitoring; and in networking with regional research organizations (RINM, JETRO, DeFINE(OECD) and BRI). He is an adjunct professor at UUM. He specializes in Development Economics and Regional Economics with special focus on Input-¬‐output Economics, CGE and SAM. -
9:40Building Responsible Seafood Supply Chain in Myanmar: Opportunities and Challenges
Senior Policy Coordinator, CESD
Presentation BioNgu Wah Win is presently working as senior policy coordinator at the Centre for Economic and Social Development, in independent thinktank dedicated to inclusive development in Myanmar. Ngu Wah contributed to many reform initiatives in Myanmar, including public financial management and tax reforms, agriculture value chain developments, labor market and migration governance, and housing and urban planning initiatives. In 2015, she worked for the Advisory Group of the National Disaster Management Committee, which produced a comprehensive damage and loss assessment jointly undertaken with the World Bank and several government ministries following the deadliest floods in Myanmar at that year. She is presently a member of Myanmar Statisticians Association, Agriculture Policy Unit and other inter-ministerial taskforce tasked with conducting policy analysis and research studies for the government. She holds the Master of Public Administration on Economic Policy Management from Columbia University as well as master degrees from Chiang Mai University and Yangon University of Economics. -
10:00Open Discussion
10:20Coffee Break
Session 6: Impact of Regional Economic Integration on Global and Regional Value Chains
Executive Director, Institute of Policy Studies in Sri Lanka
BioDushni Weerakoon is the Executive Director of the Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka (IPS) and Head of its Macroeconomic Policy research. Her research and publications cover areas related to macroeconomic policy, regional trade integration, and international economics. She has extensive experience working in policy development committees of the Government of Sri Lanka, as a consultant to international development organisations, and as a Director on the boards of corporate and academic entities in Sri Lanka. She currently serves on the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, and the Trade and Productivity Commission, Ministry of Development Strategies and International Trade.
She holds a BSc in Economics with First Class Honors from the Queen's University of Belfast, U.K. and an MA and PhD in Economics from the University of Manchester, U.K.
Paper Presentations:
10:40Compilation and Uses of the Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables
Research Associate (ADB Consultant)
Presentation BioJanine Lazatin is a research consultant at the Asian Development Bank. She received her Master's degree in Economics at the University of the Philippines in Diliman where is currently a Ph.D. Candidate. Over the years, she has done work on infrastructure investment and global value chains. -
11:00How Global or Regional are Value Chains in East Asia? Evidence Based on an Input-Output Analysis in Textile, Automobile, and Electronics Sectors
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Presentation Paper BioGe Lai’s Ph.D. thesis title is ‘Distribution of value chains: structure and institutions of regional economic integration in East Asia’. Her research uses input-output data to investigate the structure of transborder production networks and value chains in East Asia and how this influences the development of regional institutions in East Asia. She brings her strong background in economics, trade structure and relations, and East Asian regionalism to her project. Before joining Victoria in 2016, Ge Lai received her MA in economics in 2014, from University of International Business and Economics (Beijing). She had held research positions at the School of Political Science and Economics, Meiji University (Tokyo, 2019); the Institute of International relations, National Chengchi University (Taipei, 2015); and the China office, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (Beijing, 2015-2016). -
11:20Open Discussion
Session 7: Policy Recommendations and Way Forward
11:40Forum Summary and Recommendations
Principal Economist, ADB
BioDr. Jong Woo Kang is principal economist at the Economic Research and Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He is a seasoned economist with extensive knowledge and experiences on policy and strategic issues. He was Senior Advisor to the Managing Director General of ADB and Senior Economist at Strategy and Policy Department at ADB. He leads the annual publication of Asian Economic Integration Report. Areas of his research interest include regional integration, inclusive growth, macroeconomic and international trade policies and aid effectiveness. He published articles in economics journals such as Journal of Development Economics , Journal of World Trade and Journal of Applied Economics.
Before joining ADB, he was director at Ministry of Finance and Economy of Korea until 2006. He holds a BA in economics and MA in public administration from Seoul National University, and Ph.D in economics from University of Washington. -
11:50ATTN Way Forward
12:00Closing Remarks
Executive Director, CESD
BioZaw Oo is Executive Director of the Centre for Economic and Social Development, an independent think-tank dedicated to inclusive development in Myanmar. Previously, he was the Presidential Economic Advisor from 2012-2016, serving as a principal advisor on finance, industry, commerce and labour issues. In 2012, Zaw Oo contributed to the Framework of Economic and Social Reform, a strategic policy framework for guiding comprehensive reforms in Myanmar from 2012 to 2015 and subsequently, assigned to negotiate a historic decision of Paris Club in cancelling 60% of Myanmar’s debt.
He is presently a member of National Minimum Wage Setting Committee as well as an independent advisory member in several inter-ministerial committees such as pulses, rubber, fishery and a few other taskforces. He holds graduate degrees from Columbia University and American University in international development, finance and banking, and political economy and a certificate from Harvard University. He also taught at Chiang Mai University from 2006 to 2011.NEWIN SINSIRI,
Country Director, ADB
BioMr. Newin Sinsiri is the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Country Director for Myanmar.
He joined ADB in 1998 and has held several leadership positions and extensive experience working in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and East Asia in the areas of regional cooperation, finance sector development, infrastructure development, and capacity building. Prior to this appointment, he served as president of the Neighboring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency of Thailand.
He holds a master of business administration degree from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand and a bachelor of engineering (electronics) degree from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology in Lardkrabang. He undertook his postgraduate studies in international finance at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan. -
12:10Lunch Break
14:00Networking Event (hosted by CESD)