About the forum
The ADB–Asian Think Tank Development Forum 2013, which was the first forum of the ADB–Asian Think Tanks Network, was held in Beijing on 30-31 October 2013. The forum was organized by ADB in partnership with the Beijing office of the Asia–Pacific Finance and Development Center, a think tank of the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China.
The discussions covered latest global and regional policy developments and country-specific experiences and policy issues on innovation and inclusion. The forum provided an excellent opportunity for all participants to reflect on and share innovative knowledge and experiences through fruitful discussions, resulting in a successful forum.
The forum gathered 130 participants, comprised mostly of representatives of 47 think tanks from 26 countries in Asia and the Pacific. They are senior officials/staff of think tanks closely associated with their respective countries’ central ministries of finance, economy, and planning; and closely involved in supporting governments in preparing medium- or long-term development plans and in responding to emerging policy issues.
The forum resulted in the following:
- Establishment of the ADB–Asian Think Tanks Network to give ADB and member think tanks access to regional and country-specific knowledge that will enrich their respective research work and capacity to provide policy advice. The participating think tanks also agreed to hold a second forum in 2014, toward the objective of having the ADB–Asian Think Tank Development Forum as an annual event. The Korea Development Institute agreed to co-host the 2nd ADB–Asian Think Tank Development Forum, scheduled on 20-21 November 2014 in Seoul, Korea.
- Two publications: a) 1st issue of the ADB–Asian Think Tanks Network eNewsletter, which provides snapshots of the forum discussions; and b) forum proceedings, which provides the highlights of the entire forum.
- Forum Materials, which comprise materials discussed during the forum, e.g., regional overviews and selected countries’ perspectives on innovation and inclusive growth.
The two-day forum was organized into four sessions discussing innovation and inclusive growth, which are both timely and critical to ADB’s developing member countries. The practices and approaches adopted by selected countries on these two areas were highlighted. To ensure the active engagement of the think tanks, the sessions were structured into regional overviews and selected country presentations. Each session comprised of expert presentations, commentaries from discussants and plenary discussions.
Opening Ceremonies (Plenary)
Chair: Mohamad Ikmal KADIR, MIER, Malaysia
09:30Welcome remarks
Tan Sri Sulaiman MAHBOB,Chairman, Board of Trustees MIERWelcome remarks
Juzhong ZHUANG, Deputy Chief Economist and Deputy Director General, ADBKeynote address,
YBHG. Tan Sri Mohd Irwan Serigar Bin ABDULLAH, Secretary-General, Ministry of Finance, and Member, MIER Board of Trustees, Malaysia -
10:00Photo session and coffee break
Session 1: Regional Economic Outlook (Plenary)
Chair: Zakariah bin Abdul RASHID, Chairman, MIER, Malaysia
10:30Regional Economic Outlook
Juzhong ZHUANG, Deputy Chief Economist and Deputy Director General, ADBIndian Economy: Near-Term Outlook and Structural Features
Rathin ROY, NIPFP, IndiaStrategic Change: China’s Opening-up under New Normal
Zhang QI, DRC, People’s Republic of ChinaThe Economy of Kazakhstan: on the Wave of Structural Reforms
Aset IRGALIYEV, ERI, Kazakhstan -
11:30Open discussion
12:00Lunch Break
Session 2: Global Value Chains: Challenges and Opportunities (Plenary)
Chair: Dushni Weerakoon, Chairman, IPS, Sri Lanka
13:30Asia in Global Value Chains
Benno FERRARINI, ADBThe Changing Sophistication of China’s Exports, 1992-2014
Willem THORBECKE, RIETI, JapanA Backward Linkage of Lao Agribusiness Value Chain: A Case Study on Knowledge and Technology Transfers
Hing VUTHAi, MIC, Lao PDRThe Economy of Kazakhstan: on the Wave of Structural Reforms
Xaysomphet NORASINGH, ERI, KazakhstanDefining the Pattern of Growth and Policies for Accelerated Transformation
Kamila MUKHAMEDKHANOVA, CER, Uzbekistan -
14:45Open discussion
Session 3: Regional Economic Cooperation: Priorities & Concerns (Plenary)
Chair: Charles YALA, NRI, Papua New Guinea
15:30ASEAN Regional Cooperation and Competition Policy
Ayuda Sari ISMAIL, MIER, MalaysiaThe AIIB And Regional Infrastructure Development
Qiangwu ZHOU, AFDC, People’s Republic of ChinaPolitical Stability and Regional Economic Cooperation: The Case of Selected South Asian Economies
Shujaat FAROOQ, PIDE, PakistanEconomic Dynamics, Platforms and Institutions: Shaping of the Regional Economic Order in the Asia-Pacific
Xiaoming HUANG, CCRC, New Zealand -
16:30Open discussion
17:00Informal exchange and networking
19:45Dinner (hosted by MIER)
9 September 2016 — Day 2
Session 4A: Transitioning from Middle Income Status (Parallel)
Chair: Rathin ROY, NIPFP, India
08:30Informal exchange and networkingIs There a Middle-Income Trap?
Jesus FELIPE, ADBThailand in the Middle-Income Trap: An Unrecognized Contribution From the Government
Nonarith BISONYABUT, TDRI, ThailandThe Impact of R&D on the Singapore Economy: A Time Series Analysis
Wong Poh KAM, NUS, SingaporeMiddle-Income Trap: The Malaysian Case
Zulkiply OMAR, MIER, Malaysia -
09:30Open discussion
Session 4B: Social Inclusion for Shared Growth (Parallel)
Chair: Melik GASPARYAN, AVAGSL, Armenia
08:30Social Inclusion and Housing?
Marife BALLESTEROS, PIDS, PhilippinesImpact of Social Inclusion on Economic Development and Poverty Reduction in Nepal
Ram Chandra DHAKAL, CEDA, NepalTechnology, Jobs and Inequality: Evidence from India’s Manufacturing Sector
Radhicka KAPOOR, ICRIER, IndiaCan We Use Multidimensional Measures as the Official Poverty Line in Indonesia?
Carunia Mulya FIRDAUSY, ERC-IIS, Indonesia -
09:30Open discussion
Session 5: Capacity Building for Better Policy Advising (Plenary)
Chair: Dongxiang LI, ADB
10:30Think Tanks, Capacity Building and Impact
James MCGANN, TTCSP, University of Pennsylvania, USAThe CDRI Experience Building Capacity: What Have We Learned?
Chhem RETHY, CDRI, CambodiaGuiding Korea’s Social and Economic Transformation
Chanyong CHOI, KDI, KoreaCAREC Institute
Ziqian LIANG, People’s Republic of ChinaADB’s Co-financing Operations
11:30Next Steps: 2016 forum, etc.
14:00-17:30Informal Networking Activity (by MIER)