About the forum
The ADB—Asian Think Tanks Network, during its establishment on 31 October 2013, decided to organize an annual forum to
- Enable its members to promote research networking; the members can present their research projects and glean insights from their fellow think tanks.
- Pursue greater commitment among members toward sustaining the ADB—Asian Think Tanks Network.
The 2014 Forum was held on 20-21 November 2014 in Seoul, Korea. The Korea Development Institute served as ADB’s co-host.
Senior level officials/staff of 40 think tanks from 26 member countries of ADB participated in the second forum. The forum welcomed the new member think tanks from Armenia, Bangladesh, Georgia and Japan.
The forum has two publications. One is the second issue of the ADB-Asian Think Tanks Network eNewsletter, which captures the snapshots of the forum discussion. Another publication is the forum proceedings which provides the highlights of the entire forum.
“Promoting Innovation and Inclusion for a Prosperous Asia” was the theme of the 2014 Forum.
The forum focused on two development issues that are of high significance to developing Asia: innovation and inclusion. Participating think tanks discussed regional economic integration, tackling the threats and opportunities presented by the various trading blocs on the developing countries, and related topics.
In February 2014, ADB’s Call for Papers resulted in the selection and preparation of 16 Research Papers for presentation at the forum.
The two-day forum had four major sessions delving on the various facets of innovation and inclusion. The forum had both plenary and parallel sessions to provide more time for discussion and sharing of knowledge/experiences among the participating think tanks. The four major sessions were organized, as follows:
Session 1. Opening Ceremonies
Opening Ceremonies was in plenary.
Moderator: Taejong Kim, Professor, KDI School of Public and Management
09:30 - 09:35Welcome Remarks
Joon-Kyung Kim, President, Korea Development Institute
Juzhong Zhuang, Deputy Chief Economist, Economics and Research Department, ADB -
09:40Keynote address
Hyung-Hwan Joo, First Vice Minister, Ministry of Strategy and Finance -
10:00Photo session and coffee break
10:30Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2014 — Poverty in Asia: A Deeper Look
Juzhong Zhuang, Deputy Chief Economist, Economics and Research Department, ADB -
11:00Open discussion
11:15New Directions for a Rapidly Maturing Miracle Economy: The Case of Korea
Wonhyuk Lim, Executive Director, Center for Regulatory Studies, Korea Development Institute -
11:45Open discussion
12:00Lunch Break
Session 2A. Opportunities and Challenges of Globalization and Regional Integration in Asia
The second session comprised of two parallel sessions; had five presentations covering regional economic structures, processing trade and the public-private partnership, among others.
Moderators: Rathin Roy, Director, National Institute of Public Finance Policy
Rethy Kieth Chhem, Executive Director, Cambodia Development Resource Institute
13:30East Asian Economies, Regional Economic Structure and the Emerging Regional Trade Regimes: TPP and RECP
Xiaoming Huang, Professor and Director, New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre -
13:50Open discussion
14:10Development of China’s Processing Trade and Employment
Guoqiang Long, Vice Minister, Development Research Center of the State Council -
14:30Open discussion
14:50Enjoying the Fruits of their Labor: Redirecting Asian Exports to Asian Consumers
Willem Thorbecke, Senior Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry -
15:10Open discussion
15:30Coffee/tea break
16:00Lao PDR’s Joining ASEAN Economic Communities by and after 2015: Opportunities and Challenges
Leeber Leebouapao, Director General, National Economic Research Institute -
16:20Open discussion
16:40The Practice and Experience of PPP in China
Qiangwu Zhou, Deputy Director-General, Asia-Pacific Finance Development Center Beijing Office -
17:00Open discussion
17:20**Informal exchange / Networking**
18:30Dinner at Intercontinental Seoul Coex Hotel, Jupiter Room (30/F)
Session 2B. Innovation and Escaping the Middle Income Trap
The second session had five presentations focusing on innovation such as entrepreneurial propensity, overcoming the middle-income trap and the chaebol and industrial policy, among others.
Moderators: Derek Brien, Executive Director, Pacific Institute of Public Policy
Nonarit Bisonyabut, Research Fellow, Thailand Development Research Institute
13:30An Exploratory Cross-Country Analysis of the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Propensity and Income Inequality
Poh Kam Wong, Director, NUS Entrepreneurship Centre and Professor, NUS Business School -
13:50Open discussion
14:10Malaysia’s Structural Issues in Overcoming Middle Income Trap: Decomposition Analysis of Output Growth 1991-2005
Zakariah Bin Abdul Rashid, Executive Director, Malaysian Institute for Economic Research -
14:30Open discussion
14:50Industrial and Innovation Policies to Escape from the Middle-Income Trap: Cases of Uruguay and Malaysia
Alibek Konkakov, Analyst, Economic Research Institute -
15:10Open discussion
15:30Coffee/tea break
16:00Does Innovation Mediate Good Firm Performance? Some Findings from Philippines Small and Medium Enterprises
Gilberto Llanto, President, Philippine Institute of Development Studies -
16:20Open discussion
16:40Chaebol and Industrial Policy in Korea
Wonhyuk Lim, Executive Director, Center for Regulatory Studies, Korea Development Institute -
17:00Open discussion
17:20**Informal exchange / Networking**
18:30Dinner at Coex Intercontinental Hotel, Jupiter Room (30/F)
Session 3A. Inclusive Growth and Social Protection
The third session had four presentations on growth-employment relationship, inclusive growth in emerging market economies and social protection, among others.
Moderator: Zaw Oo, Executive Director, Myanmar Development Resource Institute
08:30Why Growth Isn’t Getting the Job Done: An Analysis of the Growth–Employment Relationship in India
Radhicka Kapoor, Consultant, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations -
08:50Open discussion
09:10Fiscal Space for Inclusive Growth in Emerging Market Economies
Rathin Roy, Director, National Institute for Public Finance Policy -
09:30Open discussion
09:50Social Protection For Small-Scale Agriculture — Evidences From Viet Nam Tran
Tran Kim Chung, Vice President, Central Institute for Economic Management -
10:10Open discussion
10:30Coffee/tea break
10:40Effective Social Protection for Various Scenarios of Economic and Social Transformations of Uzbekistan
Kamila Mukhamedkhanova, Researcher, Center for Economic Research -
11:00Open discussion
Session 3B. Addressing Property and Inequality
The third session had four presentations on the concept and measure of poverty, impact of remittance and rural non-farm economy, among others.
Moderator: Dushni Weerakoon, Deputy Director, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka
08:30Alternative Concept and Measure of Poverty in Indonesia
Carunia Mulya Hamid Firdausy, Director, National Research Centre for Economics, LIPI -
08:50Open discussion
09:10The Impact of Remittance on Poverty and Inequality: Evidence Using Data on Labour Migration in Nepal
Ram Chandra Dhakal, Executive Director, Centre for Economic Development and Administration, Tribhuvan University -
09:30Open discussion
09:50The Rural Non-farm Economy, Livelihood Strategies and Household Welfare in Rural Pakistan
Shujaat Farooq, Researcher Economist, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics -
10:10Open discussion
10:30Coffee/tea break
10:40Sustained National Deworming Campaign in South Korea
Taejong Kim, Professor, KDI School of Public Policy and Management -
11:00Open discussion
Session 4. Asian Think Tank Networking Sustaining the ADB—Asian Think Tanks Network
Being the last session prior to the closing of the forum, the fourth session was in plenary.
Moderator: Juzhong Zhuang, Deputy Chief Economist, Economics and Research Department, ADB
11:30Updates and Action Planning
Dongxiang Li, Advisor, Regional and Sustainable Development Department, ADB -
12:30Lunch break
14:00-17:30Informal Networking Activity (Tour of Seoul’s cultural attractions)